Update Status: http://store.yahoo.com/securitysupplyhouse


Feb 28, 2002
Please read the [thread=396]forum guidelines[/thread] before posting here. We need a clickable link to the dmoz.org category in which the update request has been made (that is, the category where the site is currently listed).


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
The update has been denied, you have been spaming the directory with a variety of mirrors and the current url is valid. For instance, the url you want it changed to was submitted twenty-seven times.

[edited to add] Please see the ODP Policy on Spam, paying particular attention to this sentance: Sites that repeatedly or persistently spam the directory will be blocked from submission, and their sites may be removed from the directory.


May 19, 2004
Reply to your update.

Hello Again,

Those 27 times I was attempting to submit, I was getting server 500 errors (not sure about the error number.) Since we have no way to know if what we submit is received and if it caused us to submit 27 times without a reply, it should not be considered as a spam, rather an attempt to find out if you received the update. Nor did we know what the limitations are for number of attempts to cause this interpretation. The old URL (http://store.yahoo.com/securitysupplyhouse)(hosted @ yahoo) will be discontinued and brought in house. We were attempting to get a head start on the new URL, so in about 6 months when the store is live, DMOZ and GOOGLE would have updated the URL.

If there is ANYTHING else I can do, please let me know. Our company strongly depends on this. We are be willing to pay for this change, and new website submissions to COME! We apologize if your interpretation of our submissions were considered as spam, because that was not our intention. Rather, making sure that someone, anyone, is in receipt of our submission. Please let me know your thoughts.

-=-Thanks Again.
-=-Greg Hamen.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Perhaps I was harsh on the 27 times, I can see that 24 of those were deleted on one date and cannot tell when they were submitted. I can tell, however, that you have been submitting multiple doorways and redirects for this same site to mutiple categories. That is spam.

Also, the ODP does not accept money for listings. Listings are free and the editors are volunteer. If you want a new update considered, you are welcome to resubmit.


May 19, 2004
My apologies

There were different ways of getting ot the website. The first submission was http://store.yahoo.com/securitysupplyhouse, then DNS changed, it became http://shop.stop.yahoo.com/securitysupplyhouse now we want to move to a inhouse solution, where yahoo DNS'ing won't work.

Now you may also see, http://www.mountssuppliers.com and http://www.mountssupplier.com which are valid sites, and businesses. Those are not duplicates, they are entirely different sites and have to be maintained seperately.

http://www.mountssupplier.com = http://store.yahoo.com/mountssupplier/
http://www.mountssuppliers.com = http://store.yahoo.com/nationalsystems/

You can tell by just looking at the browser title.

Forgive me for not prioritizing which DNS is the correct way of submitting, for I am new to DMOZ Submissions. But if thats the way I am judged, then thats what it is.


Apr 15, 2003
Perhaps you should reread the submission rules


Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.

Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Sites with repeating content are mirrors, because a different title has been placed at the top does not make it a completely different site. I imagine that you know, as well as we do, that you've submitted more urls than the ones you've admitted to here.

Really, it doesn't matter. This is like beating a dead horse. I said that spammy submissions could result in having a site removed--it hasn't. Your site is still listed. The url listed in the direcotry is a valid url. It was decided that the content provided something of value to the directory. It is not our concern if you are worried about what kind of search engine results you are getting elsewhere if that is the reason you want the url changed. Our concern is that we provide valuable unique content for our end user, which is what we have done in this case.

If that url is not valid in the future then you are welcome to submit an update to have the url changed. As it stands right now, your update was reviewed and denied--as a lot of time has been spent on the various urls/submissions you have made in the past (including a variety of deepinks of the listed url to multiple categories) and the current url--of which is one of the many originally submitted by you--was chosen as the one url to be listed.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
As exlained in the Forum Guidelines "rejected" is a reasonable status. I don't see any positive reason to continue this so I am closing the thread at this time.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.