Updates vs New Submissions


Aug 3, 2004
Are Updates considered higher priority over new submissions? Are Updates done in less than a month? (Updating Category as well as Title tags and descriptions).


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Updates are reviewed when someone comes across them. We see them separate from the pool of suggested sites but someone still has to go to the category in question to review them (and reviews doesn't mean accepted). So, unfortunately, there is no timeframe we can offer for when an update might be reviewed. You can request a status on your update request in the right forum using the same forum rules as for regular suggestion status requests.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The "priority" question is answered differently for every editor, so there's no general rule.

Many editors (including me) PREFER to give updates priority, since they may represent a quality issue -- and so we asked (begged) for the feature motsa mentioned.

But you have to take that in context. Even if an editor prioritizes them, they are only set apart within a specific category -- and there's no telling when an editor will next volunteer to work on Aneroid Comptometer Manufacturers. So as far as predicting a review date, it's the same as always -- grab your crystal ball, sacrifice your goose, and give it your buest guess.


Jan 23, 2003
If I may add something...

If you are trying to decide whether to make a new submission or update an existing submission, here is some free advice that will usually be correct:

If you are trying to get the title and/or description changed -- use the update.

If you are trying to have a small category change within the same branch of directory tree -- use the update.

If you have a topical listing, and want to be considered for a regional listing -- make a new submission.

If you have a regional listing and want to be considered for a topical listing -- make a new submission.

If you have a topical listing, and want a second topical listing -- do nothing.

If you have a listing, but there is this one page within the site that really deserves its own listing -- do nothing.

Anything else? Ask here.


Mar 25, 2002
And to add to the list:

If the old url doesn't work or needs to be modified -- use the update.



Aug 3, 2004
Ahh I see, I made an update request maybe I should have made a new submission. I'm trying to get a regional listing be put into a Topical Listing. Maybe If i can post my URL here and some of you can suggest what I should do. The URL is http://www.ukchatterbox.co.uk and is currently in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Chat/ the change i requested was a minor update to the Title tags and also the main one was to be listed in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Chat/ . It seems the most suitable for the site after being around for a couple years now. I know that the site is mainly focused for the UK, but we still have a lot of international users using it. Its a bit like the Just chat listing which is in both.

Also just out of curiosity the categoryhttp://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Chat/ would imply that the sites listed in there are SERIOUS about chat services and what they do. Does that mean Tiger Tom's chat rooms shouldn't be there? http://www.tigertom.com/chat_rooms.htm (i'm not trying to knock any site, I'm just wondering about what types of site qualify to be in this category since this site doesn't seem to show its emphsis on chat, but all sorts of other things including double glazing windows and mortgages). Maybe its top level site should be listed elsewhere. Anyway thats completly off topic :p heheheheheheh


May 6, 2004
Sites can be listed in a regional and a topical category. Since you already had a regional listing, you should suggest it to the topical one.

As for http://www.tigertom.com/chat_rooms.htm, I see other problems then just what you mentioned. I will post a link to this in the appropriate forum. Thanks!


Aug 3, 2004
ahh thanks very much. Also with regards to the directory, Info-Highway Listing Info Highway is no longer running, and iVillage.com's Chat Central Seems to go to a 404 page and spawns out a bunch of windows.

I'll probably try a new submission altho the thing is i would really prefer to be in Computers Internet Chat, rather than the sub directories, and seeing as there isn't a submit function on there it makes a bit more difficult. Altho i could put it in the Java Section, but the chat site as a whole has message boards and forums so it would probably be more suited in the Computers Internet chat directory.

PS in the future do you think there will be some sort of flag that would distiguish between websites which serve its propose in the directory and sites which seem to just point people in other directions (i.e a links page or a directory).

Also another thing i was just wondering on a stats point of view. What type of sites get rejected the most (and what reason - apart from things maybe being in the wrong cat).


May 6, 2004
PS in the future do you think there will be some sort of flag that would distiguish between websites which serve its propose in the directory and sites which seem to just point people in other directions (i.e a links page or a directory).
Yes - you! As editors, we try to review listed sites to make sure they continue to be relevant to the category they are in. Sometimes, sites are changed or urls are hijacked so they become unsuitable for a listing. We depend on editors and users of the directory to find these so they can be corrected. We do have some automated tools at our disposal, but they are not 100% effective.

Also another thing i was just wondering on a stats point of view. What type of sites get rejected the most (and what reason - apart from things maybe being in the wrong cat)
If we find a listed site (or one looking to be listed) that is in the wrong cat, we move it. As for rejected sites - not having unique content and those with a lot of affiliate links would top those.

With the amount of submitted sites, and with the sites the editors seek out and list themselves - ODP editors do a fantastic job and never seem to get the recognition they deserve. We do this for only one reason,,, to build the best human edited directory on the internet.


Aug 3, 2004
Thanks again for the advise.

By the way I think http://chatting.about.com/index.htm is in the Chat directory too, and all it does is go to a search engine results page. I presume such sites should also not be in there.

I've made a new submission now in the Java Section. So I'll just wait a while now and see what happens.


Aug 3, 2004
Hey again, I found a site http://www.kailove.com/ in Computers > Internet > Chat which looks like a domain name renewal page, which has an option for someone else to renew (it looks like its only been like that for a week, so i dunno if you want to give some time for the real owner to do something before taking any kind of action).

By the way, as i said before i submitted my website UK Chatterbox chat rooms to Computers > Internet > Chat > Java I'm still not sure what i need to do to get it listed 1 category higher.

I started out by making an update request to a regional listing (mensioned above), to be listed in Computers > Internet > Chat , but when some of the posts in the forum came back, I made a brand new submission to Computers > Internet > Chat > Java. The thing is, i would like still to be listed in Computers Internet Chat. The website as a whole is considered a chat site as opposed to just having some Java Chat rooms on there. Any ideas on what to do?
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