Updating many links to one website


May 3, 2005
My website "Project Runeberg" (Scandinavian literature) recently moved to its own Internet domain. The old URL is listed in 59 places in ODP (seriously). The internal web structure is kept, only the base URL has changed. An automatic redirect is in place, so no links are broken, but I would prefer that ODP points to the new URL for increased reliability and clarity. Should I submit 59 different update requests to various editors, or can this be solved more easily?

Old base URL: http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/

New base URL: http://runeberg.org/

(Our old parent website, LYSATOR, is listed in 389 places, which will be only 330 after Project Runeberg has moved out. Our new domain is already listed in 6 places, which are not overlapping with the 59 to be updated.)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Wait till the next time search updates, then please recheck all the listings.



May 3, 2005
Where can I learn more about the search update? How often does it happen? The website moved on December 15, 2004 (this is "recently" to me). Does it matter that the old server issues HTTP status code 302 (temporary move) and not 301 (permanent move)? I asked the LYSATOR maintainers for a 301, but they had some technical problem with that.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
How often does it happen?
Normally weekly, currently it is delayed due to technical problems. Just perform a search on http://dmoz.org/ and check the date printed at the bottom.

Does it matter that the old server issues HTTP status code 302 (temporary move) and not 301 (permanent move)?
Not to us, no. And most likely not for all other directories around. It might matter for search engines like Google though, but you should check that in other forums dealing with that topic.


May 3, 2005
windharp said:
currently it is delayed due to technical problems
Is there anything a volunteer can do to help solve ODP's technical problems? Or can volunteers only become editors for categories of links? Apparently the search index was updated on February 22, 2005, which is ten weeks after my old webserver started to issue redirects (with status code 302). And apparently these redirects have not had any effect on the listed URLs. So perhaps the search update does not only suffer a delay (from February 22 to now) but also has some problem with interpreting my 302s.
Not to us, no. And most likely not for all other directories around. It might matter for search engines like Google though, but you should check that in other forums dealing with that topic.
Google learned of the site move already after 14 days, as I have observed in my short paper "Slurp Never Learns", http://aronsson.se/slurp.html


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not sure what technical problem you're addressing: the current issue is, I think, RDF generation. Once that happens, ODP search should be updateable again.

ODP search has nothing whatsoever to do with accessing any website, let alone interpreting HTTP return codes, so whatever you're thinking along those lines, it has nothing to do with reality.

Now, the ODP link checker, which is run manually "every month or four", does IIRC catch 301 or 302 redirects. But that's not an issue at this point, nor is the issue of editor permissions other than on a category basis, since I've already changed the links.

But that was a lot of links to change -- and not all of the "Project Runeberg" links could or should have been changed. So, in keeping with the ODP principle of "humans do it better" -- I asked you to cast your human eyes over the work I did with human care but also human fallibility.

As for editing permissions, you could apply to edit some small Scandinavian-language literature category, using (say) Project Gutenberg Europe links as samples. Show as much care for parallel efforts as you've done for your own site, and you could expand your editing scope fairly rapidly.

As a active contributor to Project Gutenberg (US) and the CCEL, I know how much productive work there is to be done in building a truly literary web -- and the ODP is a complementary project. Think about it, eh?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Actually, aronsson, you'd only have to ask for reinstatement. We'd be happy to have you back :)


May 3, 2005
hutcheson said:
I've already changed the links.
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your helpfulness. I'm sorry that I didn't understand from your first message that you had done this. I wrongly thought that you were informing me that the link checker would automatically update the links based on my old website's redirects, and all I could do was to wait.
and not all of the "Project Runeberg" links could or should have been changed.
I don't understand what you mean here, or if there is anything I could do to help it. I honestly have no idea who submitted or included all these links, or why these links were submitted rather than others that could be more helpful. I guess I could compile a list of more useful links and start to submit them, but that is a different issue from the website move that we are discussing here.
I asked you to cast your human eyes over the work I did with human care but also human fallibility.
I guess this means I will visit dmoz.org, see when the search has been updated, and then look for the updated links. This is fine with me. Apparently, the last search update was February 22, 2005, ten weeks ago, and the reason you stated for this delay is in "RDF generation". I'm an experienced computer programmer and perhaps I could help the people working on this problem. But I haven't found any way to volunteer as a programmer. This is very different from the "Wikipedia experience".
As for editing permissions, you could apply to edit some small Scandinavian-language literature category
I tried to volunteer to edit one of the categories under World/Svenska a few years ago, but never heard anything back. This was my "ODP experience".


May 3, 2005
nea said:
Actually, aronsson, you'd only have to ask for reinstatement. We'd be happy to have you back :)
I was totally bewildered by this comment, and then I went looking at http://dmoz.org/profiles/aronsson.html to find that I'm indeed listed as an editor of World/Svenska/Referenser/Uppslagsverk (i.e. encyclopedias). This comes as a total surprise to me. I know I volunteered for this, but as far as I know, I never got word about being accepted and I have never logged in as an editor. Do I even have a password? If you can trace my history, which date did I volunteer, and which date was I accepted? The page http://dmoz.org/World/Svenska/Referenser/Uppslagsverk/ doesn't list any category editor.


Aug 2, 2002
Editor aronsson never did an edit so maybe for some reason you never got the email confirming your acceptance - I won't give any other information as a meta can ask you for some details to confirm your identity assuming you can't recall your password etc. for reasons of reinstatement. As I understand it you can't apply again only for reinstatement.


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
Hej aronsson! Unfortunately there seems to have been some technical glitch or something when you applied for editor. Perhaps we could discuss about that further in the Swedish forum here (my English may just confuse things more) ;)


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
aronsson said:
Apparently, the last search update was February 22, 2005, ten weeks ago, and the reason you stated for this delay is in "RDF generation".
On a side note both Search and RDF-generation should be uptodate now (or soon), I think. :)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
This comes as a total surprise to me. I know I volunteered for this, but as far as I know, I never got word about being accepted and I have never logged in as an editor.
Eek. Sorry I sounded so glib - I remember you volunteering and being accepted (this was when I was fairly new in the ODP and long before I was a meta) and I remember you timing out without editing, but have always assumed it was because you didn't have time for it.

Anyway, we can discuss it in the Swedish forum {moz}
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