Updating URL not being updated


I submitted my website into the ODP a couple of months ago, but however the link was messed up by one of your editors.

The category is Kids and Teens: Games: Online and the website is 4arcade.com - as you can see the address the link is going to is http://www.geocities.com/SuperTick1234 and not 4arcade.com. Why does it doing that?

Also, I submitted the update many times and no one updates it. Yet, on the last update footer on the bottom of the page every time my update must be rejected, so I submit it again and again and again, yet nothing happens and the editors do not do anything. Please fix this problem I am losing visitors to a geocities site, and that makes me angry.

I would like it do link to

and the description to be:
4arcade.com has 75+ java, flash and shockwave arcade games. Play free games like marslander, bowling, pipedream, yahtzee and more.

Please help,



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The site is listed, with the appropriate URL.

Please read the guidelines. Your submittal practice, suggested URL and description all flagrantly and blatantly violate them, and cannot be used. Please stop.


First, I wouldn't refer to it as being "messed up" as that's a little harsh.

The issue has been resolved and the URL is fine. Also, your description is not appropriate in accordance with the ODP guidelines.


Jul 19, 2002
Is this site appropriate for the Kids & Teens category? Almost every game I looked at has a banner ad for online gambling.

First, this is NOT the ODP, but it is run by editors who VOLUNTEER at the ODP.
Please read the post by hutcheson regarding you submittal policy.
Both sites seem to offer the same contents and only 1 is listable.
One other thing - The last update date is the last date an edit was done in the category, it has no significance re the submission of update requests. No requests are automatic, and all are looked at by an editor before approving or denying the request.

Okay first off yes they may offer similar content. But then are you saying you would not list yahoo.com and google.com because they offer similar content? But, the difference here is that I am changing addresses thus removing the geocities site, am I talking to a wall here or does no one understand this? I just want the url changed! Thats it, it will take like 3 seconds to do. But yet it has taken me over 3 months to get anyone to listen to me.

The ODP must be getting paid to keep the little guy off of their site, they must be getting paid by large corperations and companies to have their site listed higher up submitted faster, accepted faster etc. Please help me out and prove me wrong-



Jul 19, 2002
"The ODP must be getting paid to keep the little guy off of their site, they must be getting paid by large corperations and companies to have their site listed higher up submitted faster, accepted faster etc."

Do you really think comments like this will get you the help you want?

If you are moving everything from the geocities site to the 4arcade site, then shut it down and point the user to the new URL. Then you can submit a legit URL change. Simple.

Okay, first off - If I point the users to the new site geocities will shut it down, there are rules against that. But still that doesn't make any sense to me, if I am changing the address on ODP to 4arcade.com why do I have to shut down my geocities site that will no longer be on the ODP - that does not make any sense.

<B>Why can't you just change the url and make it quicker for you, me, and geocities?</B>

I don't understand why the editors of ODP are giving me the run around.


Mar 25, 2002
>> I don't understand why the editors of ODP are giving me the run around. <<

Personally, I don't understand why you've got two sites so identical to each other - perhaps that's what my fellow editors are having trouble figuring out. If you try explaining clearly why you do, then perhaps they will be willing to change the URL for you.

>> the new site geocities will shut it down, there are rules against that <<

While you are correct that this is forbidden under the Geocities T+Cs ( http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/geoterms.html - section 5, subsection 'o'), I doubt they'll actually shut down a site which read "This site has now moved to: ..... Please use the new URL from now on". To me, that's not a "signpost" - more "correcting the user in an informative manner". /images/icons/smile.gif

Okay, yes they may be similiar, identical no. There is no interactivity with the geocities site, less games, less content for a total of 46 games, 27 of which are unique.

4arcade.com has a wide range of interactivity like highscore boards, chats, live multiplayer games, prize drawings, for a total of over 75 games, 46 of which are unique.

So I don't see why the url cannot be updated to go to the new url. I am not going to shut down a website that still gets visitors from other sites.

Here are some examples that make what you say false:

Uproar.com and Iwin.com are very similar, in fact they both are owned by flipside and they BOTH are on ODP.

If you search for clevermedia.com on ODP there are 5 listings, why isn't there only one?

Type in shockwave.com and shockrave.com in ODP and click on the links - they both take you to the same website, why is this allowed? I think I have a hypothesis - shockwave.com is a multimedia giant, 4arcade.com is not - giant corperations in this case are allowed to crush the little guy.

Why are you holding me to standards that are untrue? Please just update the url and I will be happy.


May 26, 2002
Until a link is placed on the old site, pointing to the new site, it may not actually be possible to verify that the claimed owner does actually own both sites. This is just one of several reasons for this rule. {This is a general comment for all submitters to bear in mind}.

[Oops. Editor 'beebware' beat me to the post].

Finally someone who explains what ODP is thinking a popup window is placed on the old site check it out and please change my url.



Mar 25, 2002
>> Type in shockwave.com and shockrave.com in ODP and click on the links - they both take you to the same website, why is this allowed? <<

It isn't allowed. Shockrave.com can be classed as a mirror/duplicate/vanity URL (call it what you will). I have changed the listing to point correctly to shockwave.com and added appropriate notes to ensure future editors are notified of this fact. While the category page should have already been auto-regenerated, it may be a few days before the ODP search is updated to reflect this change.

>> Uproar.com and Iwin.com are very similar, in fact they both are owned by flipside and they BOTH are on ODP. <<

Uproar has changed a lot since the last time I visted it (over a year or two ago). It could have been the case that originally they were two seperate distinct entities, but since that time (when they were probably listed in ODP) they have been both been 'acquired' by Flipside. (I don't know if this is the case, I'm just guessing!). There still seems to be a degree of unique content between the two sites - but I'm not willing to say one way or another at this point (if you notice - I didn't say the same about yours, I just commented that some editors may see the similarity and think there are the same site: I just asked if you could explain if they were meant to be the same or totally different sites.)

>> If you search for clevermedia.com on ODP there are 5 listings, why isn't there only one? <<

While it is unusual for a site to have more than 2 listings, it is permissible for a site to be 'deeplinked' many many times: BUT only if it offers specific content to the category in question. For example, if I owned a television production company and a software company - but had one website for both of them, then I *may* (and that is a qualifier) be entitled to three listings: One under my locality in Regional/ , one under Computers/ and one under Arts/ .

>> I think I have a hypothesis - shockwave.com is a multimedia giant, 4arcade.com is not - giant corperations in this case are allowed to crush the little guy. <<

Nope. That's complete b---x. Remember that although ODP is owned by a "multimedia giant", it is edited and maintained by thousands of "little guys" who don't really give an owl's hoot whether or not the site in question is MegaBigCorp.com or tiny.little/guys/site.html .Please don't bandy around accusations that we favour large sites/organisations over another - it's just not true!
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