Updating URL


Sep 6, 2007

I posted a few weeks ago about requesting to update our URL in the DMOZ. The one that is listed is a redirect that is parked. I did make that request. My question is simple. How long does it normally take to update or edit a URL? There are obvious reasons why having the redirect in the DMOZ is not very useful to us. All the content is at the URL that it points to and any SEO benefits are simply lost.



Jan 23, 2003
While editors often make update requests a priority, they are, technically, subject to the same potential wait periods as are regular suggestions to the fourm.

Thus, it is impossible to predict.

Editors do recognize the importance of updates as a quality control issue, which is why I mentioned that they often make them a priority -- but updates, like suggestions -- are still spam magnets, and need to be carefully worked.

Some generic advice that may or may not apply to you:

  • Updates should focus on resolving a single issue
  • Don't use updates to try and keyword stuff titles and descriptions
  • Don't try to use update for competitive purposes
  • Please don't use update to try and "improve" titles and descriptions. Editing is not a collaborative process.
  • Updates should focus on substantive issues, not on matters of opinion or style.

Most importantly, when an update is received by an editor, it subjects the entire website to a re-review, which could result in it being moved to a different category, deleted, or having the description totally rewritten in a manner that does not match the request.

Hope this general information proves helpful.
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