URL needs updating but catagory seems unmaintained

My site as listed on Dmoz as 'Jon's Terragen Gallery', URL http://www.elephantstew.org/~jon/tgen-gallery/index.html in section arts:visual arts:Computer Graphics:3D:Terragen has recently changed URLs to http://www.vortex-one.net/tgen-gallery/index.html .

I submitted an update URL form a while ago now (about a month and a half I think), but the site is still listed undet its old URL, and the catagory states that it needs an editor. As my site recieves 1st listing in Google for 'Terragen Gallery' from Dmoz, I really need the link updating. How is it possible to get the link updated in an apparently unmaintained section?

Thanks in advance, Jonathan

Re: URL needs updating but catagory seems unmainta

Thanks, I really appreciate it.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.