URL not listed


Jan 23, 2003
Minutes, days, weeks, months, even years. Hopefully it will never be decades.

Since we are not a listing service, we don't look at the clock in terms of how long a suggested URL waits before we look at it, thus, it is truly imposible to predict. One might have better luck guessing how many individual snowflakes will land in within the boundaries of the City of Boston over the next 12 months.

If you have submitted your website, it is complete (no "coming soon" sections), it is rich in content of your own making (not copied from elsewhere and repackaged), you have gone through our guidelines and are reasonably confident that it is guidelines compliant, and finally, have submitted it to the single best category, then you have done all that you can do -- other that to wait patiently.

And, since we no longer give any confirmations other than the one that appears onscreen, we will allow you to resubmit once (and only once) about a year after your original submission (and you are sure to submit to the same category).

This second submission reduces the odds of a lost suggestion into a number that is comparible to the chances that I will be elected President of the US in the next election. :D


Mar 25, 2002
This is a question we get asked so much, we provided the answer in our FAQ.

Please see http://resource-zone.com/forum/faq.php?faq=faq_site_questions#faq_how_long

Or, if you are hyperlink-challenged:

The time between submission and an editorial review ranges anywhere from two minutes to over two years. This is due to the voluntary nature of the ODP - editors volunteer their time free of charge to do what they can to build the directory. Reviewing submitted sites is only one of many tasks which editors need to perform, and for many editors, not the top priority.

Submission to the directory by users is just one source of content for the ODP - editors are encouraged to go out on their own and find sites which could be listed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.