url's of sites edited, but yet not edited



I'm befuddled, and right up front, if I'm in the wrong forum, please point me in the correct direction and I'll take the inquiry over there.

I am the webmaster for various district sites for a NFP organization (a BSA council which has multiple admin areas that are geographically based.)

When I stepped into the role, every district which had a two word name had its index file match the district name, i.e. two words, with a space in between.

I learned (here at resource-zone actually) this was bad and I should fix to name with no spaces. I did so, and the site names were updated by the category editor. End of problem, right? Well, within the category, the url's now read correctly, i.e. instead of word1 word2.htm they are word1-word2.htm
The category is:

But, in doing a check today, from ODP main search box, using
this search:
the page which comes up gives a link to the correct category, but then contains a separate listing called Open Directory sites. In that listing each of the two word district sites still show up as word1 word2.htm

Is there any way to get those listings, the ones that contain the space, and are not listed down inside the category, out of ODP? Those pages no longer exist under those two word names.
The specific district sites are:
baden powell.htm
big tepee.htm
black beaver.htm
canadian valley.htm
chisholm trail.htm
western plains.htm

Many thanks for any assistance or guidance.

volunteer webmaster for LFC and its districts


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
It looks as though the changes just haven't made it into the search database (the last date on the search page is Apr 9 and your changes were made Apr 4 -- since the RDF dump takes several days to generate, it's likely that your changes were made after that category itself was indexed in the RDF). The category itself is all correct now so relax, the changes will eventually show up in search whenever it is redone.
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