Using own edited links at another site


Apr 22, 2004

I would like to contribute at domz but I have a question regarding the license: May I use the links I add to a category at another site under a different license (for example Creative Commons), too? Obviosly you can use everything under the dmoz license but as long as I collected the links I am free to do what I want with them, am I not? I would like to contribute with all the good links I collect and I do not want to copy anything of dmoz without license but I also do not want lost the right to do with whatever I might want with my bookmarks.

Thanks a lot :)


Apr 15, 2003
I'm having some difficulty understanding.

Are you talking about applying to be an editor and adding links that you are aware that you found yoursself?

If so that's a great thing to do as an editor. Some people think that all an editor does is review sites that are submitted. When I first applied to be an editor, I pointed out that I had a web site that corresponded to the category and lots of sites that could be added to ODP. So now those sites are in ODP. I didn't give up my right to my own web sites by doing that. In fact the descriptions [but not the URL] on my web site are copyrighted to me, and another editor would not be allowed to copy them.

However, any description and titles for the sites that I created for DMOZ, are now open for anyone else to use provided they follow the DMOZ rules for use. That is someone may publish those descriptions [the ones on ODP, not the ones on my web site] and even make money off them.

Does this answer the question?


Mar 8, 2004
I think I understand what Hendrik meant, and bobrat did give a good answer, even if he didn't understand.

It seems to me that Hendrik is asking whether he can use or submit the same URLs and descriptions he submits to dmoz in his editor appication (or Bookmarks, I suppose) to other directories.

The answer is clearly yes. You grant DMOZ (or Netscape, or AOL, Time Warner, or whatever the company name is today :p ) the non-exclusive right to use and distribute the submissions.


I'd like to offer an additional thought.

The links collection is yours to do with as you will. You can submit it to 1 or 100 directories, list them on your own site, or sell them (if you can find a buyer).

What you can't do is copy the ODP descriptions, and use then somewhere else. This is because the work of crafting the description is held to be copyright.

If you happened to be the editor that created the descriptions for the ODP, it would still be permissible (As far as I can tell) to be an editor in another directory and list those same links there. It would not be permitted for the description to be copied from the ODP into the other directory, but as long as the alternate description was crafted anew, and not copied, (which will almost always be the case due to the differing 'preferred' styles of each directory), I see no inherent problem.

Just another 2 cents


May 26, 2002
What if the entries were already published someplace else, and as an editor you used the same titles and descriptions from that other place when adding those sites to the ODP? It might look like they were copied from the ODP, but how would anyone prove that it wasn't the other way around?
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