Valid Punctuation in Titles


Nov 28, 2006
Hi, I just signed up because I have a question. I hope someone will be able to help me...

I submitted my site to DMOZ a couple of months back, but I'm still not listed. After reading the DMOZ editor guidelines today, I think I may know why. There was a point in there about not allowing punctuation before the title, however, my problem is that my company's name is .COZA Web Design so naturally I listed the title as .COZA Web Design

If you are wondering why it has a dot, it is because the website extention in South Africa is .CO.ZA and coloqially we say ".COZA". So being a web design company, I felt it an appropriate name, not because I want to be first on DMOZ.

So what do I do? Do I misspell my own company name and submit it as COZA Web Design? Or perhaps whomever the editor is for the South African webdesign category could keep my dot and list me at the end of the page (if they are upset by my dot).

Any suggestions welcome


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Although it is true that a properly written title and description may make reviewing the site more appealing to an editor (shows you read/understand the guidelines :) ), having questionable content in the title and description does not disqualify a site for listing. The vast majority of all suggested sites have their titles and descriptions rewritten so that cannot be the reason for a site not being listed.
Roxane said:
I submitted my site to DMOZ a couple of months back, but I'm still not listed. After reading the DMOZ editor guidelines today, I think I may know why.
I think I know to, but I bet we differ in our conclusions. ;) The most probable reason any listable site hasn't been listed is that it hasn't had a volunteer editor review it yet. If you suggested your site with in the last couple of months in all likely hood that is the case because dmoz has been down due to the technical difficulties noted in the Announcement Thread for over a month. In that time, editors have been unable to log in to work on any directory projects. So no sites have been added since October 20, and the public pages you see today are not the most recent updates available.

As for the title and whether to include the "." or not, it is part of the company name and if the reviewing editor feels that it is a necessary part of the company name then it most likely would be included. In most of these cases, I find that the site itself answers that question for me.
Hope that helps.


Nov 28, 2006

I know you guys don't get paid for answering users questions, so thank you so much for your prompt response. I really appreciate it.

I had not taken into account the fact that my submission might not have been seen yet. I just assumed I had listed it wrong. I guess, I will have to be patient then.

Have a beautiful day


Nov 7, 2006
And, you are the type of poster that we really enjoy hearing from and helping, :) .
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