Very Funny!!!



I found a very funny thing when i checked my profile and cicked on "Show all user's posts" and found a post which i have not posted at all.

status: Site Submission Status ravisimpi 02/06/03 06:35 PM

And my profile says that i am registered on 06/07/03 01:34 AM

How can i post before i have registered? I think this is a very serious problem. The post is decent, so it wont affect me, If it was a indecent post.. then i dont know what would have happened.

One more thing.. I am not too sure wether what i am seeing is right.. (some times my computer acts on its own will) please some one check it and inform me. if it is a problem with my computer, then someone please delete this post.

Thx a lot

Oopppss... Seems i have posted this in a wrong category. Sorry for that.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.