Violation or Degradation of Guide Lines?


Sep 25, 2004
Have the ODP rules changed dramatically with regard to listing real estate agent sites?

They used to be fairly specific, agents not portals, full agent office address needed etc.

I do sites for french estate agents and now find the France/real estate cat is half filled with portals.

Not allowed to quote urls.sites here but it is fairly obvious, click on a few and find out how many actually have French real estate cards and offices.

By definition the portals have no original content, and that content is, of course, copied directly from the individual or group agents sites.

Try copying a couple of lines out of a property description and searching for it in Googlle, under the snow storm of portals, you will often find the original site which, surely, is more worthy of inclusion.

It seems impossible to get individual agent sites listed now.

Is this a change in policy and if so should I advocate to my clients that we offer free import/pages to other estate agents in different French regions so that they could qualify for admission as portals?

Personally, i think it is a real shame on the directory.

I talk of France because that is my region, but i know the same is true of Spain and probably a lot of other countries.



Oct 29, 2006
Have the ODP rules changed dramatically with regard to listing real estate agent sites?
No, not in the last 6 years at least that I know of from personal experience. The Real Estate guidelines still apply
They used to be fairly specific, agents not portals,
Which has never been the case, although I can see where you are coming from. Individual agents and agencies are listable using the specifics in the RE guidelines. Portals are not (or should not be) for or about a specific agent/agency, and have a different listing criteria.
now find the France/real estate cat is half filled with portals
The criteria for listing sites at country level
1)Real Estate agent/agency that has physical locations in multiple Regions
2)National RE listing services (those that *advertise* properties from multiple agencies, but do not sell property themselves)
3)Foreign agencies that sell/list properties in multiple Regions (ie are not based in France, but specialise in selling French property to foreigners)
4)Advertising sites for property across the country as a whole, that list properties for sale *not* through an agent, such as FSBO sites.

Portals as I think you are describing them should fall under 2) - ie they are a listing aggregator (paid or unpaid) that provide property from multiple agencies, and are not involved in the actual transaction.

It seems impossible to get individual agent sites listed now.
It shouldn't be, although the 'unique content' criteria is probably much more strictly enforced now that years ago. Once upon a time just the fact there was an office address would have been enough for many editors. Now we expect to see much more about the agent/agency that is not either syndicated content or non modified template content. I can't speak for France, but certainly I've seen sites where even the testimonials are copied across multiple sites. FTR - a MLS or IDX type property search is not unique content - it's available to all subscribing agents, and thereore by definition is non unique.
What we want to see is actual non copied content about the agent, their qualifications, their interaction with the community they serve, unique (written by the agent) information about the areas they serve.

Finally - the reality is there isn't as many editors as we would like to be able to get to all the suggestions that are made in a short timeframe. Real Estate isn't a spectacularly exciting area for many editors either, as investigating the content and mirror sites can be very time consuming (a case of the spammers shooting all RE sites in the foot). So the most likely answer is 'the site hasn't been looked at yet'.

I just had a quick glance at the sites waiting in the country level category. Based on a two minute scan over 90% of the sites will never be listed in that category. Sites suggested there for an agent based in a single town/city will (most likely) be moved to the correct category without being fully reviewed/listed (slowing down the listing time). Sites for single properties for sale - generally not listable as experience has shown those sites either have an extrememlely short life span, or are abandoned, left live, even though the property is sold which is no value to our users. Sites that are for agents in a single Region (multiple offices) - moved to the Region to wait for review. Sites for vacation rental agencies (as opposed to agencies that rent apartments/houses for residential use (months/years rather than days/weeks) - moved to the Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging category for further review.


Sep 25, 2004
Thank you for taking the time out to give such a detailed reply.

Ok there was a preference for the real content sites over the aggregators :)

i remember 3 or 4 years ago, memory is going the way of my teeth, Dmoz's eminent US realtor and comic taking me to task on this,
he wrote that he could see no justification for listing any real estate site that merely aggregated listings from real estate agents. -might not be word for word but check back through the forum.

However I agree in that it would be a disservice to searchers if you missed out the french real estate association sites;

If foreign agencies are going to be listed in regional/Europe/France/real estate,
then what is the point of cats like the following:-
Which is full of portals and search services for various countries.
This would seem to be an invitation for double listing.

France is a bit different, mls is just starting to break out like betamax versus whoever it was :), we have 3 or 4 would be mls 'realtors'' associations forming. But at the moment, no, no MLS. Hence any one agents' listings are just that, his listings, also most owners do not sign exclusive mandats, hence individual properties will crop up among listings of various realtors in any one region often at varying prices.

Hence the real unique content on the sites of French agents are their listings.
Listings are also the content that Dmoz users are interested in.

The French are by an accident of birth and geography on the whole more European than their American counterparts and hence often more reserved, photos of them of their babies etc etc will not be found in their offices certainly, their homes possible, and certainly not on public internet sites.

By French law an agent's siret no and registered office details should be shown. A legal French agent is not allowed to publicise properties for which he does not hold a current mandat.

French sites should hence only be listed where the siret no and registered office details are made very apparent . Teeth and babies should not be the criteria, this is a different market from the States and a different legal structure behind it.

<<Finally - the reality is there isn't as many editors as we would like to be able to get to all the suggestions that are made in a short timeframe. Real Estate isn't a spectacularly exciting area for many editors either, as investigating the content and mirror sites can be very time consuming (a case of the spammers shooting all RE sites in the foot). So the most likely answer is 'the site hasn't been looked at yet>>

Dunno why I keep getting my reapplication refused :) never was a spammer!


Sep 25, 2004
PS to last message.
A quick look through the fiirst few regions of France give the following stats for realtors

Alsace, haut and bas rhin 0
Dordogne 9
Gironde 3
Landes 0
Pyrenees Atlantique 2
Auvergne 2
Brittany 2

Sounds like a series of low scoring footballl matches.

This suggests to me that either the bulk of France live in communal bus shelters and have no real estate tto sell or buy or there is something wrong with the way that french real estate is listed.

This is pushing and promoting the aggregators by ignoring the real agents.

Little Devon in the toe of england boasts more real estate agents than the whole of France :)

Bearing in mind that in a lot of France the British represent the largest part of the real estate buying market and that not all realtors are stupid and therefore a majority in these areas employ anglophone staff and have sites in both English and French as a minimum.

A city like Montpellier and its surroundings would produce more genuine card holding real estate agents' anglophone sites than there are in the whole of the regional/france cat and all its localised sub cats. They would all be unique, totally legal( not the case at the moment, (having dredged through the cat there are listings which wiould/could greatly interest the French tax office and various other of the darker appendages of the French state) and of value to the end users.



Oct 29, 2006
This suggests to me that either the bulk of France live in communal bus shelters and have no real estate tto sell or buy or there is something wrong with the way that french real estate is listed.
It suggests to me that French Real Estate agents are lax at building and suggesting sites in English vsçais/Régi...ace/Bas-Rhin/Commerce_et_économie/Immobilier/
Little Devon in the toe of england boasts more real estate agents than the whole of France
Without actually counting them I can't be sure, but I very much doubt it. The problem is you are looking at an area in England where every site produced is in English (and some in a second/third language) and comparing an area in France where most sites are produced in French (I'll allow some English expats that build English language sites, but not a majority).

You will note that the alternative language categories are linked (altlang links) so it is possible to move between them if you are multilingual
ette catégorie en d'autres langues : anglais
This category in other languages: French

This is also one of the exceptions to the one suggestion guideline.
Sites that are human translated and have content in multiple languages should be suggested to the appropriate category in each language. (Note we generally will list the root url in all languages, rather than to the specific language version. Experience has shown us the deeplinked language versions are relatively unstable)

he wrote that he could see no justification for listing any real estate site that merely aggregated listings from real estate agents.
The key there is 'merely'. I can't see any justification for it either where the purpose is to sell the property. I can see a justification for large sites that are effectively advertising directories of available property - the site itself is not in any way associated with the sale.

French sites should hence only be listed where the siret no and registered office details are made very apparent .
We are not going down the path of becoming legal enforcers. Thats a one way trip to a law suit. If you have issues with a site that is on the internet, there are legal channels to deal with any issues.


Sep 25, 2004
thank you once again for a very full reply.
However I would take issue with you on the quantity of French real estate sites that have English language versions. as i, know would a lot of French site designers. i am not interested in the clutch of << English expats that build English language sites >>, most of these are just vague house search service pages.
As i stated
<<Bearing in mind that in a lot of France the British represent the largest part of the real estate buying market and that not all realtors are stupid and therefore a majority in these areas employ anglophone staff and have sites in both English and French as a minimum.

A city like Montpellier and its surroundings would produce more genuine card holding real estate agents' anglophone sites than there are in the whole of the regional/france cat and all its localised sub cats. They would all be unique, totally legal( not the case at the moment, (having dredged through the cat there are listings which wiould/could greatly interest the French tax office and various other of the darker appendages of the French state) and of value to the end users.

As an example here are some of the English language real estate sites offering real estate in Pezenas a little town of 60,000 population Pezenas

i am not saying they are all brilliant sites but multiply it up for the Herault which has a population of 794 600 and we are looking at an awful lot of English language real estate sites.

Then multiply that up for the Languedoc.... for France.....

The reason you think that there are just a hanful of expats producing a handfull of English language websites is because it is, on the whole, that handfull who select for Dmoz and therefore it is the sites preferred by that handful that appear in Dmoz.

Siret and office are just good qualifications to match the strict guidelines for American realtors, I am not suggesting that Dmoz should become a law enforcer.

The mention of links to the other language is irrelevant. To say it does not matter about listing sites in English in the English language section because the same sites will be in the Japanese or German or whatever sections is most peculiar.

If all searchers were multilingual, the world would be a different place.

Best regards,


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
To say it does not matter about listing sites in English in the English language section because the same sites will be in the Japanese or German or whatever sections is most peculiar.
That's not what gimmster is saying. He's saying that it wouldn't be surprising for regions in a country where English is not the primary language to have many more sites in the country's mother tongue than in English.

Siret and office are just good qualifications to match the strict guidelines for American realtors, I am not suggesting that Dmoz should become a law enforcer.
But the ODP doesn't enforce the strict guidelines for American realtors, either. If a site is listable according to ODP guidelines, then we don't look at whether it is listable according to the rules governing the company's location or profession.

If there truly are tons of English-language listable sites for real estate agents in France that aren't yet listed, there can really only be one reason: no editor has had an overwhelming urge to review that kind of site. In all honesty, reviewing real estate sites is one of the most boring things I've ever done as an editor and so it wouldn't surprise that, unless someone is diligently building up a specific location or is diligently reviewing all suggested sites in a specific section of Regional, real estate sites are slow to be found and listed.


Oct 29, 2006
i am not saying they are all brilliant sites
Probably just as well I didn't look then.

I'm not going into reviewing the sites in your list. What I will say (and it is already skirting being outside what is permitted in this forum) is that there is a total of 1 site waiting for review in which is the lowest level that exists for Pezenas as far as I can tell (I don't generally edit in France).

You should evaluate each site in your list against the listing guidelines for Real Estate sites and suggest those that are listable to that category (and without the deeplinks to the UK versions). I don't just mean say 'they are in Pezenas' so they are listable. I mean review them for actual unique content before suggesting them. <hint> ignore 'listings' that are hosted/pulled from other sites - see my earlier post on MLS/IDX - it is not relevant what you call it, but I flat out refuse to believe it when a small 'local' agent claims to have several hundred properties all over France for sale.

The mention of links to the other language is irrelevant.
No, actually it's quite relevant. It may be that they dont realise they can be listed in both languages, but there are (it appears) significantly less (correctly suggested) sites in the English side than the French one. That may be a cause of part of the disparity between the number of listed sites in each language. I have rarely seen editors trying to build a Real Estate category from scratch, this is one case where suggestions are the most likely way of getting a site reviewed/listed.
it is, on the whole, that handfull who select for Dmoz and therefore it is the sites preferred by that handful that appear in Dmoz.
Sorry - thats an assumption of editor abuse from my perspective. If you have proof, submit an abuse report. Otherwise don't say things you have no proof of.
<added> This mght be a language thing, I read "who select for Dmoz" as being "the ones that list sites in DMOZ", it is possible you meant "the ones that suggest their sites to DMOZ" which would have an entirely different meaning.


Sep 25, 2004
To say it does not matter about listing sites in English in the English language section because the same sites will be in the Japanese or German or whatever sections is most peculiar.
That's not what gimmster is saying. He's saying that it wouldn't be surprising for regions in a country where English is not the primary language to have many more sites in the country's mother tongue than in English.

maybe i was being a bit glib :)
But as,, in many regions, the principal market for this particular type of goods is English speaking marketing is is also often done in English. There will not be the same no, no, but there will be a significant no.

Siret and office are just good qualifications to match the strict guidelines for American realtors, I am not suggesting that Dmoz should become a law enforcer.
But the ODP doesn't enforce the strict guidelines for American realtors, either. If a site is listable according to ODP guidelines, then we don't look at whether it is listable according to the rules governing the company's location or profession.

sorry I did not make myself clear, by "the strict guidelines for American realtors" i meant the strict ODP guidelenes for listing...... not anything legal.

<<there is a total of 1 site waiting for review in which is the lowest level that exists for Pezenas as far as I can tell (I don't generally edit in France)>>
Not surprising, Safran is on it. But that does not speak of rejected submissions from the past (nor ones blasted out in the various 'campagns',.) safran has, almost singlehandedly, made the France cat what it is. However when he looks at the small cats he is not going to have time for much more than a quick blast clean.

<<You should evaluate each site in your list against the listing guidelines for Real Estate sites and suggest those that are listable to that category (and without the deeplinks to the UK versions). I don't just mean say 'they are in Pezenas' so they are listable. I mean review them for actual unique content before suggesting them. <hint> ignore 'listings' that are hosted/pulled from other sites - see my earlier post on MLS/IDX - it is not relevant what you call it, but I flat out refuse to believe it when a small 'local' agent claims to have several hundred properties all over France for sale.>>
I did, but was not going to review them all for a quick reply, there are actually over 30 estate agents with offices in Pezenas (20 years ago there was just one ) . I missed out the Century21 ones, only listed one of the three ORPI ones, which is a bit unfair as they are all independant realtors, and missed out most of the agents who use one of the national listing sites as their 'home page', missed out the just newbuild (why? dunno) ones etc.

<<No, actually it's quite relevant. It may be that they dont realise they can be listed in both languages, but there are (it appears) significantly less (correctly suggested) sites in the English side than the French one. That may be a cause of part of the disparity between the number of listed sites in each language. I have rarely seen editors trying to build a Real Estate category from scratch, this is one case where suggestions are the most likely way of getting a site reviewed/listed.>>
I would be surprised if this was completely correct. On the web side, I do not work for any local agents in Pezenas ( please note I tried to just pick agents who are physically in Pezenas) but in several cases I know and/or have worked with the agents and or the webmasters and or the designers. They are all fighting for a larger slice of the Anglophone market and the webmasters and designers (makes them sound like an army, but am talking about a handfull) regard DMOZ as being important.

Perhaps, because we are country bumpkins, we still see it that way while the rest of the world has begun to rumble, twitter and stumble. These sites would haver been submitted, however with the possibility of a 2 year wait for review.....submitted once, no notch on the calendar and forgotten.

<<<< it is, on the whole, that handfull who select for Dmoz and therefore it is the sites preferred by that handful that appear in Dmoz.
Sorry - thats an assumption of editor abuse from my perspective. If you have proof, submit an abuse report. Otherwise don't say things you have no proof of.
<added> This mght be a language thing, I read "who select for Dmoz" as being "the ones that list sites in DMOZ", it is possible you meant "the ones that suggest their sites to DMOZ" which would have an entirely different meaning. >>>>>

It is both; primarily the submitters, secondly the editors. The majority of sites suggested will come from the expat community and a high no of those who look at the sites will also come from that community. We are talking about an anglophone directory of France!

But it is not a critique of any editor or a suggestion of editor abuse. We all see the world through the lenses we have built up from our likes, our lives, our habits, our mores. This is not , I repeat, any form of suggestion of any form of intentional or promotional or discriminatory treatment of submitted or suggested sites. Taken to the extremes, your blue might well be my green, your valuable content might be unviewable pornography to me.

Perhaps the main fault lies in the selection methods for editors.
Over the past 5 years how many editors have applied for regional/europe/France local cats? How many have been turned down? Why?

I do not have these figures, I know nothing of them, but i do know people who have applied and been turned down. Please do not state the obvious - selection, description of three sites probably all conforming - there's no magic and the people that I know have applied, can all tie their own shoe laces.

Even assuming the majority of applicants are being sent in by bat mail from lunatic asylums, there is a question of quality policy, is it more useful to open a telephone directory with mainly blank pages or to open one with all filled pages but where some of the plumbers have been listed as doctors?

(the eminent realtor, other Rob, and dmoz comic was actually talking of a site that listed, in English, the offerings of various lagents, the majority of whom had, at that time, no English language side to their websites. i did not agree with him, know the website very well and it is still not listed in Dmoz :))


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Over the past 5 years how many editors have applied for regional/europe/France local cats? How many have been turned down?
We have no easy way to find out.
I imagine that the reasons were similar to those in any other category.

- Category unsuitable for a beginner (too large or too spammy. We are slowly disabling applications for these.)
- Communications problems (spelling, grammar, failure to read the question, only providing a single example etc).
- Failure to understand the category (unsuitable examples etc. Candidates would benefit by reading the category's description.)
- Deceit (Failure to mention associated websites etc.)

Unless they are particularly promotional or keyword stuffed, I don't usually decline applications for having poor example titles or descriptions - because we can teach people how to write those. Carelessness and dishonesty aren't so easy to fix :(.

Unsurprisingly, there are great similarities between evaluating candidate resumes/CVs in real life and evaluating editor applications. Would you knowingly hire a dishonest or careless person?


Sep 25, 2004
Fair comment, but
<<I imagine that the reasons were similar to those in any other category.

- Category unsuitable for a beginner (too large or too spammy. We are slowly disabling applications for these.)
- Communications problems (spelling, grammar, failure to read the question, only providing a single example etc).
- Failure to understand the category (unsuitable examples etc. Candidates would benefit by reading the category's description.)
- Deceit (Failure to mention associated websites etc.)>>

Having looked down the France real estate tree, I find there are an awful lot of empty cats and I am sure that there have been applications for quite a few of them.

A significant portion of editors enter directories to promote their own sites or sites they have designed or sites they are being paid to promote. Afterwards they might well and often are bitten by a bug that leads them on to help build whichever directory or directories they have entered.

There is nothing wrong with this. i imagine that a lot of the first applications made are self promotional. Do you send out rejection letters to these applicants advising them on the reasons for non acceptance and encouraging them to re apply inside the guidelines?

My original question was on quality, but it seems that the real problem lies in a lack of accepted volunteers in the France category.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Do you send out rejection letters to these applicants advising them on the reasons for non acceptance and encouraging them to re apply inside the guidelines?
Usually, but I for one don't encourage liars to try again. Would you?


Sep 25, 2004
:) no.
but the liars would only make up a certain % of those applicants.

// Added
On thinking about it the statement above is not true. I have, in the distant past, often employed people who lied about the skill levels they had attained because they were desperate for work. Once they had started and their real skill level could be judged, this caused no problems. They just needed help and training.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
A significant portion of editors enter directories to promote their own sites or sites they have designed or sites they are being paid to promote. Afterwards they might well and often are bitten by a bug that leads them on to help build whichever directory or directories they have entered.
You'll notice that "being affiliated to a website that could be listed in the category applied to" is not in the list of reasons Jim gave. We accept people all the time who go on to list their own sites. That's fine as long as they follow the guidelines on conflicts of interest, and aren't there just to promote their own site(s).


Sep 25, 2004
i apologise for not making that which I was saying clear.
Those that enter to promote their own sites are likely to be the great bulk of those disqualified for :

adding to an unsuitable category
failure to read the question,
only providing a single example etc
descriptions not falling within guidelines



Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Yes, and since we allow them to try again, if they're really interested in helping the project they (are usually) given a chance to make amends. Those people that are so interested in promoting their own sites that they are seemingly unable to follow the instructions of the application process, aren't likely to be able to follow the editing guidelines if they were accepted. Consequently they would take up a lot of fellow editor time in mentoring activities; so much so that we judge that the project would, in the balance of probabilities, be better off without them. Thus the application process acts as a pretty good filter of potential new recruits. :)
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