Waiting 2 years to be listed


Apr 20, 2007
For over two years now, I have been trying to get sites listed on ODP. I have submitted sites before and they were listed eventually after a few months. But like I said, for over two years now I have been trying to get sites listed with no results.

I don't want any editor to reply with the lame story of follow the guidelines and do not submit multiple listings. I submitted one listing, then waited over 8 months to re-submit the same listing. In the mean time, I tried submitting other sites. Needless to say....none of those sites are listed to this day either...two years later.

I don't want to hear that I should choose the correct category for my submission, because I have chosen the correct categories and still sites are not listed after over 2 years.

As far as I am concerned, there is no reason what-so-ever for a legitimate site/sites to be denied entry into the ODP. But yet this is exactly what is happening. I thought ODP stood for OPEN DIRECTORY PROJECT....at this rate, it should be DDP....DEAD DIRECTORY PROJECT or maybe even PDP...PRIVLEDGED DIRECTORY PROJECT.

Plain and simple, when legitimate sites are not accepted into the ODP, it therefore is no longer OPEN and should consider a name change or just shutting down if they can not guaranty fairness. MY suggestion would be to get BETTER CONTROL OF YOUR SO-CALLED EDITORS so that they don't discriminate against better looking sites than their own.


Oct 29, 2006
Since no factual response is asked for, and in fact is specifically requested not to be provided., can this thread either be locked or deleted? Thanks.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Thanks for your rant. Since you don't want a reply from an editor and non-editors (including you) often don't understand what ODP is about, I'm closing the thread as gimmster suggests.

You might be interesting in reading the FAQ though - where all of your concerns are addressed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.