waiting 3 years for a listing


Jun 28, 2006

i've submited <url removed> to DMOZ once a year for the last 3 years. :eek:

i submit to the most "exact" area possible but i've never been listed.

is it possible that my web is blacklisted? :confused:

i thought it was a question of patience but i suppose 3 years is a long time.

thanks in advance :)


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
We don't discuss specific site suggestions here.

(Note: I have not looked at nor plan to look at the site in question-the determination of whether or not any site is listable according to the guidelines is up to the editor performing a review)

The most probable reason a listable site has not been listed is that an editor hasn't reviewed it yet. If you are sure your site is listable according to the Guidelines and you suggested it once to the single best category then there isn't much more that you can do.

Hope that helps.


Jun 28, 2006
oh well, see you in 2009

Hi Shadow

thanks for your prompt reply.

registering and submitting to the forum was my last desperate act in trying to "understand" why i couldn't get a listing in 3 years.

oh well, patience is a virtue :)


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
If you only have suggested your site one time and it was truly 3 years ago, resuggesting it one more time to the same category to insure it is still waiting shouldn't be a problem.
There really is nothing to wait for, hopefully you have continued to work on improving your site for your visitors by adding more unique content over the last 3 years and also have been actively pursuing all other site promotion strategies available to you. If you have done this, then you have done everything you possibly can for yourself and an ODP listing would be just icing on the preverbial cake.


Jun 28, 2006
You're absolutely right.. :D

3 years down the road the web is doing fine and a DMOZ listing would be just the icing on the cake.

My main worry was that the web was blacklisted and that would not be coherent, that would mean something strange.

I've submitted 3 times in 3 years. I've VERY carefully chosen description and area of the directory. In the 3 years i tried 3 different, yet perfectly valid areas as my initial worry was that the editor in my chosen area was to "stressed" to read my request. So i made sure that there was a DIFFERENT editor in each area.

But no luck.

Maybe the "SPAIN" area of the directory is a little "contaminated" and the editors are a bit frazzled. "Spain is Different" said the tourist board, and maybe the Spanish Editors are a little "special" as well. :rolleyes:

Thanks for spending your valuable time with my queries, i realise that your mission is to "edit the directory" and not to be fending off my desperate queries.

saludos ;)


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Unless you have been very naughty (example: extreme spamming of the directory or bribery offers) a site is not likely to be banned ('Blacklisted' was your term) for consideration. Suggesting your site three times in 3 years doesn't =spamming, but I would discourage you from suggesting the site to different categories. You should choose the 1 best category and suggest it there.
No category is without an editor, any editor higher up the branch or editall/Meta permissions can edit there. Having no named editor doesn't mean someone is not currently active in the category, and the flipside is seeing a named editor doesn't mean that there is anyone currently actively editing it. My first love in the directory was my home state, my editor name still appears at the bottom of it but since I edit in all of Regional, I only rarely actually edit there and usually it is just to clean up dead links and process update requests although some days I may spend the whole day looking through categories.
If the category you suggested to isn't the best one, the reviewing editor will forward it along to the correct one to be reveiwed. So no need to worry about that.
As an editor who has worked a little in Regional-Spain I will say that there is a tremendous amount of spam suggestions (especially in Real Estate categories) there and it is not surprising at all that a site review would take quite some time.

snuffles said:
Thanks for spending your valuable time with my queries, i realise that your mission is to "edit the directory" and not to be fending off my desperate queries.

No problem, hope it helps in some way.

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