Waiting for 8 years

Nov 1, 2006
Philippines / UK
I've been waiting for 8 years to get my site approved. I really don't want to re-submit, as that is against the guidelines. I do appreciate that no-one has a 'right' to approval, and that DMOZ members sacrifice their time in pursuit of a public duty.

However as our site is the best respected site in its category, with a large loyal following, and is seen as impressive enough to have elicited data purchases by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the US Federal Reserve Board, its continued non-approval seems odd.

The last time I asked this question, perhaps about two years ago, the advice given to me was: "carry on waiting".

Would that still be your advice?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The huge majority of listing suggestions fell into a black hole during the great crash of 2006. If it's really been 8 years, since you last suggested it, do so again now.
Nov 1, 2006
Philippines / UK
No, the 8 years is the time elapsed since I first suggested the site to DMOZ. Last time I came to this forum (actually 1 year ago) I think you told me I'd made 3 suggestions since the "great crash". You would know, and I have no access to the records and an imperfect memory (no doubt why there were several attempts).

Still, I find it puzzling. For sure, most site owners think their sites are wonderful, but it really IS hard to doubt the site's originality and authority, at least so I'm very frequently told.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
There are several options

1) the site is still waiting review - if the subject does not interest any editor and no new editor applies for the category times of several years between suggestion and review are no exception
2) an editor decided that the site should be listed in another (better) category, it is now waiting review there (see option 1)
3) an editor decided that the site does not meet the DMOZ guidelines and it is not listable - a site being respectable and having a huge following are not things we look at when reviewing a site

Which of these options apply for your site is something I do not know. If you read the DMOZ guidelines (something you are asked to do when suggesting a website) you should be able to determine if your site is listable or not.
Nov 1, 2006
Philippines / UK
There are several options

1) the site is still waiting review - if the subject does not interest any editor and no new editor applies for the category times of several years between suggestion and review are no exception
2) an editor decided that the site should be listed in another (better) category, it is now waiting review there (see option 1)
3) an editor decided that the site does not meet the DMOZ guidelines and it is not listable - a site being respectable and having a huge following are not things we look at when reviewing a site

Which of these options apply for your site is something I do not know. If you read the DMOZ guidelines (something you are asked to do when suggesting a website) you should be able to determine if your site is listable or not.
Nov 1, 2006
Philippines / UK
Our site is certainly listable, in the sense of being a high quality site providing original and authoritative information of general public benefit. Also, sub-domains of the site were previously listed on DMOZ in 3 DMOZ categories relating to national real estate.

I would add that this multiple listing was not at our suggestion, but on the initiative of a Baltics editor, as I subsequently discovered. It was I who personally suggested that, as we are a global real estate guide, our site would be better listed in the global category, which is where all our rivals are listed. I did this because it seemed odd to list a global site on national sections. I was really trying to help DMOZ, but it backfired on me.

I cannot tell whether the subject interests any editor. Perhaps not greatly! But many rival sites have been listed, subsequent to our application, in the category we are seeking to list in, and it IS the appropriate category for our site.

So what happened is a mystery.


Jan 4, 2012
Wow! 8 years! I went to bed last night thinking about the first site I submitted some three or four years ago...
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.