Waiting for over 3 years!


Jul 31, 2009
I have been trying to get my wife's site <URL removed. We don't discuss individual websites here so they are neither needed nor welcomed.> into the directory for over 3 years. I have also paid close attention to TOS. DollsBags, LLC is a woman owned business. Any other women owned. minority owned businesses finding it very difficult to get listed?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Jul 31, 2009

Thank you Jim, I appreciate the time you have taken to respond and your professionalism. I can also appreciate the tremendous amount of work that the editors have to do on a daily basis. I am really not using this forum to vent, but merely as a tool to get some feedback about what appears to many of us as kind of a "blackhole." Has DMOZ ever considered offering paid links? The revenue generated could then be used for any number of technical or UI improvements, etc.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The future of our directory is frequently under discussion - but the folks that make the decisions (AOL) don't frequent this forum.

Had you considered that many of the thousands of hobbyist editors might vote with their feet should the directory be monetised?


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
The difficulty arises because there is a big difference between what the ODP is and what people perceive it as being or would like it to be. The two different perceptions does lead to frustrations on both sides.

From the outside. people see a large directory of website listings and believe it must be some sort of corporate entity who are geared towards listing sites. In fact it is a group of people following a hobby and listing sites is only part of the work involved. So, for most people who react to the ODP as a result of their perceptions, a better understanding of the ODP actually is, is what is needed.

The ODP is about developing categories and the suggestion pool is only one source of websites. I list most sites that are suggested but most of the sites that I list are not suggested. I regard a suggestor as someone who is helping me develop a particular category by suggesting a site thus saving me the effort of finding it when I get round to that category.

So the answer as to why any particular site is still unreviewed in a category I could edit, is that I can only devote so much time to editting and this varies. Sometimes I am enthusiastic and get lots done, other times I feel a bit jaded and do other things. Sometimes I feel a particular areas needs my attention and as a result I ignore other areas. The same goes for all the other editors who could review that category.

The answer as to why any particular site is still unreviewed in any category is that the number of editors that could edit any category is only a few hundred whilst the number of categories is approaching 600,000. This means that were each editor to go through systematically and edit in a different category each day, it would take at some 3 years to cover the lot. But a 'day' of editing means different things to each volunteer; from 8 hours because it's Saturday, raining and nothing else to do to 0 hours because it's my night to go down the pub, over-indulge and get carted home in a wheelbarrow. And of course in that time they may or may not be able to carry out all the work needed for that category.

Many people look at their site to find some reason why it is not be listed - is the editor a competitor, misogynist, racist, of the opposite political persuasion, jealous, an alien being intent on overthrowing the earths economy etc. etc.

If your site is listable (which at this stage only you know - see guidelines), the reason it is not listed is that no one has reviewed it yet.

Such a simple answer is however often less than satisfying



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
rjpetr said:
Has DMOZ ever considered offering paid links? The revenue generated could then be used for any number of technical or UI improvements, etc.
Please read our Social Contract, Our commitment and promise to all net-citizens to keep the ODP a free and open resource.

There are many other directories which you can pay to get a listing. Luckely DMOZ is not one of them.


Jul 3, 2009
pvgool said:
There are many other directories which you can pay to get a listing. Luckely DMOZ is not one of them.

So true. If you google "paid directory" you might find thousands of paid directories, but then again most are of questionable value. I'm glad DMOZ is not among them.


Jul 31, 2009
Open Source

I certainly agree that some paid directories are certainly more valuable than others and as an IT Manager, I am a huge advocate of Open Source in general. I am also a realist and as such, realize that there are things that must be paid for to achieve the desired result. DMOZ certainly fills a niche, no doubt about it.

I am not suggesting that DMOZ change anything. I merely posted the question about paid links since I know hosting a site in the US can be expensive and I presume that some of the expense of hosting the site must come from donations or AOLs pockets.

When we speak of the "value of paid vs free links" it seems to me that even the value of DMOZ itself is often questioned around the net. For instance, here is an interesting article: http://www.seroundtable.com/archives/002001.html and from Alexa: http://www.alexa.com/reviews/dmoz.org?sort=recent Some good reviews of DMOZ and some not so good reviews. Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I would love to hear some "unbiased" opinions on this post from people other than ODP editors and moderators. And the question is:

What do you perceive the real value to be of inclusion of your site into the DMOZ?
Also, my original question was, are there any other women owned or minority owned businesses finding it very difficult to get listed?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Also, my original question was, are there any other women owned or minority owned businesses finding it very difficult to get listed?
Get real.

Do you really imagine that editors go to the trouble of finding out the gender of a website's owner, their ethnic background and sexual preferences?

Just how would they do that when a large number of websites, particularly the spammier ones, have anonymous registration details (as yours has)?

If you really want to discuss your fantasies about ODP, please visit one of the specialist forums dedicated to such matters.

I'm closing this thread. Don't start another one on this topic.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.