Waiting longer than 2 years


Jun 26, 2006
We first submit our site more than 2 years ago and still doesn´t show. We submited to the category

Top: Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Floral

We have read the guidelines and contact the editor responsible for the category with not luck. If 2 years is not long enough, How long could it be? Thanks


Jun 26, 2006
The longest time is over 2 years and this is exactly what we are waiting. Is there any way to let the editor knows that the time has expired? Thanks

windharp said:
Since all editors are volunteers, we can't predict when any specific action will happen. Basically, what you can see in FAQ: How long until my site will be reviewed? and the linked articles is all there is to say about this topic.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
There is not something as "expired time".
As you might have mentioned we did not say "upto 2 years", which would mean all sites would be reviewed within 2 years, but we said "over 2 years". I personaly have reviewed sites that were suggested 4 years ago.


Jun 26, 2006
So the information in your guidelines is not accurate. If you say 2 years but you mean 4 why don´t you say so or leave it without time span.

Don´t you think that in that way you will save people a lot time an effort enquiring about something that is not accurated? It is just a suggestion to improve your services. Thanks

pvgool said:
There is not something as "expired time".
As you might have mentioned we did not say "upto 2 years", which would mean all sites would be reviewed within 2 years, but we said "over 2 years". I personaly have reviewed sites that were suggested 4 years ago.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Floraqueen said:
So the information in your guidelines is not accurate. If you say 2 years but you mean 4 why don´t you say so or leave it without time span.
No, we don't say 2 years. This is the quote from the FAQ you were directed to
The time between submission and an editorial review ranges anywhere from two minutes to over two years
You see the word "over".
It was written so that people wouldn't think a suggestion was reviewed soon or in a specific timeframe. We could ofcourse also have written "ranges from 2 minutes to 100 years". I'm very sure we will review a site within 100 years, and if we don't I won't be my problem (based on my current age I'm sure I won't be here over 100 years.
The minumum time is about 1 day (2 minutes isn't posisbly anymore) and we dont know whát the maximum rime will be. And as we don't offer a review service I personaly (and I know most editors) don't care what this maximum will be.


Jun 26, 2006
I think that "don´t care" about people who try to make this directory work better is the right answer. Even if one died it will be someone else taking care of the business.

Together, editors, submiters, users etc. will create a powerful directory useful for everyone which I believe was the policy of dmoz when started.

Don´t you think so? Thanks

pvgool said:
No, we don't say 2 years. This is the quote from the FAQ you were directed to

You see the word "over".
It was written so that people wouldn't think a suggestion was reviewed soon or in a specific timeframe. We could ofcourse also have written "ranges from 2 minutes to 100 years". I'm very sure we will review a site within 100 years, and if we don't I won't be my problem (based on my current age I'm sure I won't be here over 100 years.
The minumum time is about 1 day (2 minutes isn't posisbly anymore) and we dont know whát the maximum rime will be. And as we don't offer a review service I personaly (and I know most editors) don't care what this maximum will be.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Floraqueen said:
I think that "don´t care" about people who try to make this directory work better is the right answer.
I do care about people who want to make the directory better.
I don't care about people only interested in getting their site listed.

Look we have already over 800 florist listed in categories that get a lot of spam suggested to them. That makes these categories very uninteresting to work in. Our visitors can already find many sites and the pool of suggested sites is of a low quality. We as editors can spend our time much better in other categories. For categories like online florist you better think in waiting times of years instead of months.
It still might be reviewed within a few days (after our server is availbale) or it still might take 2, 3 years. Would it make any deifference for you? Should it make any difference for you? No and No. DMOZ is not for promoting sites. DMOZ will not have any influence on the succes of a site.


Jun 26, 2006
You are quoting words that nobody has said. No-one is just interested to have their site listed. Apart from the one who makes the money

But many people will be interested to make this directory a friendly, human and flexible directory. Where people can share their views, comments and sugestions with others. I know that sometimes it is difficult to find the right words, but it is very easy to find the wrong one

I might be a dreamer but I am sure that they are editors in dmoz who concers are to make a better place for everyone. This is the reason why I spend time writing in this forum. The world would be a better place if people try to understand and respect each other opinions. People will read our conversations and they will make their own judgements and this is good enough for me. Is it for you? Thanks

pvgool said:
I do care about people who want to make the directory better.
I don't care about people only interested in getting their site listed.

Look we have already over 800 florist listed in categories that get a lot of spam suggested to them. That makes these categories very uninteresting to work in. Our visitors can already find many sites and the pool of suggested sites is of a low quality. We as editors can spend our time much better in other categories. For categories like online florist you better think in waiting times of years instead of months.
It still might be reviewed within a few days (after our server is availbale) or it still might take 2, 3 years. Would it make any deifference for you? Should it make any difference for you? No and No. DMOZ is not for promoting sites. DMOZ will not have any influence on the succes of a site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Perhaps there's some linguistic confusion here. What does "over" mean in your native language?


Jun 26, 2006
One more time you are missing the point. "over" has not got any negative meaning. "Don´t care" do have a negative meaning

What does "don´t care" mean in your native language?

hutcheson said:
Perhaps there's some linguistic confusion here. What does "over" mean in your native language?


Jun 26, 2006
You still hasn´t answered my questions

It is good enough for you? Thanks

hutcheson said:
Perhaps there's some linguistic confusion here. What does "over" mean in your native language?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You are right that editors don't care about the business interests of specific people... And, of course, we shouldn't. If we did, it would be editing abuse, a betrayal of the ODP mission and community. (Yes, people have lost editing privileges for that!)

So, insofar as someone cares enough to spend a few thousand hours working on something, it is evident that ... they care about something else instead.


Apr 8, 2004
Floraqueen said:
One more time you are missing the point. "over" has not got any negative meaning. "Don´t care" do have a negative meaning

What does "don´t care" mean in your native language?

Well, in my home growing up it was worse than the worst curse words you could use. As a matter of fact, they were two words that were never, ever allowed to be used together for any reason.

But the point here is that volunteers working in their spare time do what they can when they can and submissions are not necessarily a priority. It is an on going project that will never be finished and will never have every site listed. And due to the voluntary nature of the project, there will never be set timeframes for any of the work editors do.


Jun 26, 2006
Thanks it seems you start to understand that it is not about fighting but about communicating.

I hope you will think about it. One more time thanks, no everybody is brave enoght to admit that sometimes we are wrong

hutcheson said:
You are right that editors don't care about the business interests of specific people... And, of course, we shouldn't. If we did, it would be editing abuse, a betrayal of the ODP mission and community. (Yes, people have lost editing privileges for that!)

So, insofar as someone cares enough to spend a few thousand hours working on something, it is evident that ... they care about something else instead.


Jun 26, 2006
I fuly understand. This is precise why I suggested to include on dmoz guidelines that there is not timeframe. Rather than over 2 years which can create confusion. It was just a suggestion.

We are all human we all make mistake, the beauty of it it is to be awared that we do make mistakes too. Thanks

dogbows said:
Well, in my home growing up it was worse than the worst curse words you could use. As a matter of fact, they were two words that were never, ever allowed to be used together for any reason.

But the point here is that volunteers working in their spare time do what they can when they can and submissions are not necessarily a priority. It is an on going project that will never be finished and will never have every site listed. And due to the voluntary nature of the project, there will never be set timeframes for any of the work editors do.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The primary ODP communication is its goals, policies, social contract, and the RDF dump. You should start from there, then you would be able to see whether you share any common interests that could be the basis for a conversation.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
It's certainly not about fighting. I'm sorry that communication sometimes gets a bit heated in here -- partly it can be because of the many different native languages represented in this forum, but it's also about frustration. Website owners often misunderstand the function of the ODP, and are frustrated when it doesn't work like they expect it to; expecting a set time until review is one of the more common misunderstandings. Not so strange perhaps since it is how some other places work, but it's still a fundamental misunderstanding of the ODP concept. Editors on the other hand get frustrated about having to state the same arguments many times to different people, and so explanations get terse and sound annoyed without meaning to.

The guidelines and help documents are always being re-worked, and perhaps the phrasing "two years" will at some point be changed into something different. Thank you for the suggestion!

Oh, and "don't care" can be a very positive thing, or a very negative thing. It all depends on the context -- wouldn't you agree? (But that's a bit too abstract for this forum I guess.)


Jun 26, 2006
Absolutely. In this context I see as a negative meaning and this is the reason why I try to clarify the issue

Your explanation fullfill my questions. A very polite language, pointing out the goal of dmoz and making easy for anyone to interact and get the answers that one is looking for.

I know that not everybody can be pleased but one thing it is for sure. It is good to talk. Don´t you think so? Thanks

nea said:
It's certainly not about fighting. I'm sorry that communication sometimes gets a bit heated in here -- partly it can be because of the many different native languages represented in this forum, but it's also about frustration. Website owners often misunderstand the function of the ODP, and are frustrated when it doesn't work like they expect it to; expecting a set time until review is one of the more common misunderstandings. Not so strange perhaps since it is how some other places work, but it's still a fundamental misunderstanding of the ODP concept. Editors on the other hand get frustrated about having to state the same arguments many times to different people, and so explanations get terse and sound annoyed without meaning to.

The guidelines and help documents are always being re-worked, and perhaps the phrasing "two years" will at some point be changed into something different. Thank you for the suggestion!

Oh, and "don't care" can be a very positive thing, or a very negative thing. It all depends on the context -- wouldn't you agree? (But that's a bit too abstract for this forum I guess.)


Jun 26, 2006
I have to go. Thanks for your explanations. If you want to leave any comments I will read it on Monday. Have a nice weekend

Floraqueen said:
Absolutely. In this context I see as a negative meaning and this is the reason why I try to clarify the issue

Your explanation fullfill my questions. A very polite language, pointing out the goal of dmoz and making easy for anyone to interact and get the answers that one is looking for.

I know that not everybody can be pleased but one thing it is for sure. It is good to talk. Don´t you think so? Thanks
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