Was It Right to Open an Abuse Ticket?


Jan 13, 2004

I noticed a competitor of ours be listed in numerous categories (5), when at most they could be listed in the main category and then the category for their blog.

They are being listed in categories having to do with different products they sell, and from reading http://www.dmoz.org/help/cats.html - "For example, if you have a site selling tickets for concerts, football games, and amusement parks, the site would not be placed in all three categories." this is not allowed, but it is what is happening. And some of their descriptions talk about fast shipping and large inventory, which seem to be more marketing-like descriptions than something that belongs in DMOZ.

The other issue is with one of the editors, whom I asked about being listed in the main category (which my site is all about), and he responded saying it was denied because I was already listed in a regional category. I thought by reading http://www.dmoz.org/help/cats.html - "If your site is focused on a specific regional area, you may submit your site to both a subject category, and a category in the Regional branch." that if you have a local business you could also be listed in a subject category as long as you sell online.

Can you give me some advice on this as I have been trying to get into this category for over 3 years.

Thank you


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If you see something that is against our guidelines it is always good if you tell us. Even if it isn't abuse a situation that should not exist will be corrected. But just like everything else those reports are handled by volunteers, so it can take some time.

If a site has both a topical and a regional aspect it can be listed twice. Rejection because a site is already listed in regional is not a valid one. Which doesn't mean there was no other reason.


Jan 13, 2004
pvgool said:
If a site has both a topical and a regional aspect it can be listed twice. Rejection because a site is already listed in regional is not a valid one. Which doesn't mean there was no other reason.

The editor responded to be with that reason when I first questioned why we hadn't been listed in over a year. This editor has pretty much ignored me now. Can I file an abuse report then for being denied for having a local business listing as well? I only filed a report based on the competitor be placed in multiple categories.

Thanks for the quick response.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Editors are advised to not answer emails with questions about suggested sites.
The issue will already be looked at. Most probably the editor is new and made a mistake which he thought was correct.


Jan 13, 2004
pvgool said:
Editors are advised to not answer emails with questions about suggested sites.
The issue will already be looked at. Most probably the editor is new and made a mistake which he thought was correct.

He may have been a new editor back then, but now he is also the editor of a couple other categories too. Is there any next step I can do, or because of the editor's mistake am I ever kept from being included in this category?

Thanks again for all this help.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
No, there is nothing you can do. There is also nothing you should do.
No, a site is never kept from being inlcuded.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Certain types of site can be (and frequenctly are) listed in both regional and topical (i.e. non-regional) categories. If you believe that your site qualifies for a topical listing under our guidelines, and you think an editor has rejected it from a topical category on the grounds that it is already listed in a regional category, then I'd suggest filing an abuse report. It's a separate issue from the other one you mentioned above, so put it in a separate report.


Jan 13, 2004
chaos127 said:
Certain types of site can be (and frequenctly are) listed in both regional and topical (i.e. non-regional) categories. If you believe that your site qualifies for a topical listing under our guidelines, and you think an editor has rejected it from a topical category on the grounds that it is already listed in a regional category, then I'd suggest filing an abuse report. It's a separate issue from the other one you mentioned above, so put it in a separate report.

Thank you Chaos...I will do that right now.
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