Was it wrong to suggest the site again?


Dec 7, 2008
Hi I found this forum to late.

I've a question I suggest a smiley site in July this year, I don't know if the site is displayed to the directors. Now I've suggest the site again and now I've a bad feeling that was not right...

Is that bad that s site is two times suggest? How can I see that the site is displayed in the right category?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
(1) The Submittal Policies allow two suggestions of a site.

(2) "Bad" is a moral category, and the ODP isn't the conscience of the internet. We'd divide suggestions up into three categories:

(a) Helpful (and thanks)
(b) Unhelpful (but maybe he didn't know any better, so we won't say anything)
(c) Pestiferous (somebody stop this person from hounding us with his unhelpful suggestions, whatever it takes)

Your second suggestion would have been either helpful (in those rare cases where the first suggestion was somehow lost) or unhelpful. It wouldn't have been considered pestiferous unless the site was an egregious violation of the ODP listing policy--but in that case the first suggestion would have been pestiferous also!

But remember, nobody will know whether a suggestion is helpful or not, until some volunteer is building that category and tries to use the suggestion.
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