Was on, now off, what happened?



My site and business www.piggypack.com has been online since 1997 and was number one on most search engines for the search "car top carrier" for many years. For some reason I'm unlisted on DMOZ and I can not find out why. I've reviewed the rules and meet the specifications.
I've added content and more products as my business has grown. I think I should be in: Shopping: Vehicles: Parts and Accessories: Varied Merchandise but that isn't taking new URLs. Can someone give me specifics what's wrong? I've also tried same group only roof racks (which represents only one but my main catagory) There is no "expert" there. Does that mean nothing gets evaluated there?
Thanks dave@cartopcarrier.com


Apr 15, 2003
I'm not sure what you are asking - is it that you submitted and it hasn't got listed, ot that you were listed and now have disappeared. Either way - clickable links to the category [or categories] would be very helpful.

By the way number one on most search engines has nothing to do with being listed or not.


Yes I was listed, and now not listed. (with several sites)

My business: I am both the manufacturer and reseller of my products (rooftop carriers for cars & truck tents).

www.piggypack.com is my only ecommerce site that sells all products I manufacturer and other products that I resell from other manufacturers. This site has been around since 1997 serving families that vacation by car(store listing correct?)
home page

www.cartopcarrier.com is a business site that describes the products that I manufacturer, designed for business customers. But if consumer comes by there is link to piggypack.com. This site is not ecommerce.
home page

www.camp-right.com is a business site that describes truck tents I manufacture. Geared toward business but again if consumer comes by, they can link to piggypack.com and purchase.
home page

www.packright.info is a site for a licensing agreement I have with backpack company that makes and sells my product under different name into stores. This site helps customers find a store location, if they want to buy online, they can go to www.piggypack.com

home page

These are legitimate business listings right? They do not have ecommerce.

I am involved in this industry and have different sites for different reasons, but there is similarity of product.

I would like to get the right sights listed in the right area. I'm not trying to Spam DMOZ or trick anybody. But yes I do have several sites with similar items. If that's a problem, I'd at least like to have one listed.

Can I get into a dialog with DMOZ person and get the right web sites listed in the right area?

Thanks, David dave@cartopcarrier.com


Jan 23, 2003
It makes sense for us to consider listing www.piggyback.com and none of the others. Because you have chosen split your business into several websites, does not obligate us to consider each of them for potential listing. Now, perhaps if one business did car top carriers and the other food blenders, we might consider listing both, but all of the sites you mentioned have automotive/transportation in common, so we would consider one site for listing.

My personal advice to you is to make sure that the one site we consider has links to all of your other sites.


Thanks for your comment. I did some research on DMOZ and this is what I found...General Motors has a DMOZ listing, so does General Motors China and Buick and Chevrolet and Cadillac and Saturn....All these sites on DMOZ are from one company and really, Buick and Chevy offer the same car, with maybe different trim and different names. One company...many listings on DMOZ.

Are the DMOZ rules different for General Motors than they are for me, Lakeland Enterprises?

Again www.piggypack.com is ecommerce that sells many brands, including my own, and is geared toward families that vacation. Shopping site. home page

www.camp-right.com is business site geared to educate on that brand to business and is not an ecommerce site. home page

www.cartopcarrier.com is a business site that educates about my business of car top carriers. It is not an ecommerce site. home page

www.packright.info is a business site to promote that brand(just like Chevrolet) to the public. This is a business site, not a shipping site. home page

My situation is no different than General Motors, in that I have sites to educate about products and brands, and other web site that sell the product.

It's kinda funny, I am a 'new, modern, Internet' business, a manufacturer that sells to the public via the Internet, yet I only get one DMOZ listing, BUT 'old world business' like General Motors gets many listings on DMOZ.

Please notice this is a friendly debate and I'm making a case for listings in DMOZ in a professional, clear manor.

Thanks for your interest and response.


Also, I forgot to address one issue brought up. I do have different business, one makes car top carriers, the other truck tents. Food Processors was mentioned, but really how different do the products have to be? They have different names.

And I suppose you can consider I have two different businesses in a sense that one manufactures and the other sells. DMOZ recognizes the difference in they have different sections: Shopping and Business listings. And I even support that with different names and web site styles.

Thanks again.


Mar 26, 2002
That is because General Motors sells cars to like millions of people all over the world. Can you honestly sit there and seriously compare your situation to General Motors? I am sorry but that is not apples to oranges. It is more like comparing a mutant godzilla guinness world record Watermelon to a grape. Not a good comparison, imho.


Respectfully, yes I am like General Motors in business structure and that we both have different brands, and I do sell all over the world. The big difference between General Motors and Lakeland Enterprises, is they have been around longer and they make more money. And looking at DMOZ listing requirements I don't see qualifiers on income or how long you've been in business.

In terms of listing space on DMOZ serviers and in terms of DMOZ listing requirements there is no difference that I can see.

I have been in business since 1997 and have thousands of customers all over the world and sell a respectable family oriented product.

I hope that you or DMOZ site reviewers will look at my business case (like a Judge might) and not judge, me on income compared to General Motors, but on the DMOZ listing requirements and samples like current listings like General Motors.


David Schaefer


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It has nothing to do with how much money you make. Some years General Motors loses hundreds of millions of dollars.

And it has nothing to do with your business model: it is axiomatic in internal editor discussions that "we don't care about the business model." It has to do with your significance in a web taxonomy, as measured by ... other sites. GM Buick division can support whole categories: fan sites, dealers, etc., devoted exclusively to it. When YOUR divisions are comparable to that, we'll treat them like that. Until then, we won't.

We're not EVER going to be fair to you, OR to GM either. We're going to do something good and altogether undeserved for you both: we are going to give your site unrecompensed promotion, as a side effect of our real goals of giving something else good (and unrecompensed) to our real beneficiaries, the surfer.


OK how does it go from here? We reached agreement to set up one account/url. Forget the others.
www.piggypack.com shopping, auto accessories, both interior and exterior
OR shopping travel gear/accessories.

I have interfaced with many DMOZ people, do I reapply at a specific category again, will someone do it from here? All my url's are apparently blackballed, even though I'm a nice guy and not a spammer.
There was agreement to list one so far I don't think it happening and I want to start the process.



Mar 26, 2002
You are listed in the category bobrat linked to. You do not have to resubmit.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.