We have tried to get a client listed for years, and have never been successful.


Mar 17, 2004
We have attempted to get a client's site listed on DMOZ for years, and have never been successful, and have never received any feedback or insight as to why the site is not listed. The client is a reputable business, one of the largest practices in the area, and has been serving the community for over a decade.
I am not sure what the issue is; if the editor is choosing not to list the site, if I am making a submission error?
I would appreciate some insight into why I cannot get the site listed.
The url is: <url removed>

Thank you.

Tom Brophy


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
there must be a misunderstanding about what DMOZ and how it works

People can not attempt to list a website, they only can make a suggestion. Editors can (but are not obliged to do so) use those suggestions to build a category.
We will never send a message about suggested websites. Not when it is listed. Not when it will not be listed.
Everybody can read which type of sites we will not list, see the guidelines at http://www.dmoz.org/docs/en/guidelines/include.html#notinclude
If the website you are looking for does not fall in the types we do not list and it also is not listed yet than your suggestion must still be waiting review.
Time between suggestion and review can vary between a few days and several years.
We will not comment on individual websites.


Curlie Editor
Apr 2, 2005
I feel: the often seemingly arbitrary acceptance time-frames and policies of dmoz, and the backlog, both symptoms of and part of the cause of dmoz's loss of relevance.
An on topic suggested site should be acted on within some defined period of time, perhaps bubbling to the top of editor's worklists as the suggestion ages.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
brycen, as an editor you should know that the task of an editor is not to process suggested websites. The task of an editor is to build categories about a subject. He can use the pool of suggested websites but it is not mandatory to use it.
And if you want you can sort the pool of suggested sites in several different ways, one of them being date of suggestion. If you want to know how you will have to ask in the editor only forum.
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