Website not indexed


Sep 10, 2006

The URL of our portal is <url removed>
At the beginnig we do not fulfilled the conditions for registering to 100 procent. For example we used an affilliate program.

We revised our website several times in accordance with the conditions. Since then we tried to registering our portal again without success.

Today, we tried again for registering.

What do we do wrong?

Thanks for your help in advance.
The adventureguide team
Werner Hofer


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
What you do when you click "Suggest URL" and fill out the form is just that: you suggest that an editor should review the site for inclusion in the directory. If you did it today it won't even have reached the category yet, so no editor will have had a chance to look at it -- once it does reach the category, any editor who has editing rights in that category will be able to review it, should they choose to do so.

There is however no way of telling when one of the editors will choose to review a suggested site. It can take days, months or years, depending on whether there is interest to edit in the area. There is no reason for you to suggest the site again. Doing so won't make the review happen faster; instead, it's likely to slow the process down.

Thank you. {moz}
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.