Website not listed - domain issue?


May 1, 2008

I submitted a site to DMOZ back in June 2007. It has not been listed as yet. I was wondering if the domain name could be the cause. Our company offers two software products, one Lotus Notes based, the other 100% Web based. While they share the same general framework, they are substantially different products not only in platform but also features and functions. These products share the same name, except that the Web product is appended with .Net.

The Lotus Notes product is listed in DMOZ under its name, as www.******.com (no, its name isn't really *******). The Web product site is named similarly but it is www.******.Net. I am afraid that the DMOZ editor reviewing our entry could take it for spam. I've sent an email to DMOZ explaining the situation, but haven't heard anything back. Do I have reason to be concerned?




Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Generally speaking, if a company's website is spread over several domain names, that doesn't entitle it to multiple listings. Instead, we'd pick one and list it at a higher level that encompasses the entire product range.

We imagine that you've cross linked the two domains to each other. After all, if you don't think a domain is worth linking, why ever would we :).


May 1, 2008

We currently hold a DMOZ listing for one of our software products, which is based on Lotus Notes - it is categorized under Computers: Software: Groupware: Lotus Notes: Third Party Products. The URL is the name of the product, with a .com extension.

Several years ago, we created a 100% Web based version of the product for non-Lotus Notes organizations. For branding purposes, this product was named like the Lotus Notes product, but with a .Net suffix. We also created a new website for it, detailing its different features and capabilities from the Lotus Notes product (which we still market today), with a similar URL but with the .net extension.

We submitted the new site to DMOZ, several years ago in a different category - Computers: Software: Project_Management: Web Based (I think that's what is was, my memory is a little fuzzy) but it has not yet been listed. I took another run at it last month, after reviewing the categories and deciding that Computers: Intranet: Corporate Portals : Software would be a more accurate fit (our product actually does a lot more than just project management at this point, and our clients utilize it as a portal for the Projects, IT and HR processes.)

My concern is that the editor will think we are trying to double-book ourselves in DMOZ, which is why I think we haven't been listed yet. These products are based on entirely different platforms (Lotus Notes vs. Web), that serve different clients, and with differing features and capabilities. Is there any way I can contact the editor to see if this is the case, or is there any process I can follow to resolve this?



May 1, 2008
Generally speaking, if a company's website is spread over several domain names, that doesn't entitle it to multiple listings. Instead, we'd pick one and list it at a higher level that encompasses the entire product range.

We imagine that you've cross linked the two domains to each other. After all, if you don't think a domain is worth linking, why ever would we :).


I re-posted about this earlier this week, which apparently has been deleted - then I found this old post was still kicking around. I imagine that's why? Sorry about the duplicate post, but hey, it's been couple years.

Anyway - these aren't websites for the company itself, these are websites for our products, which run on different platforms (Lotus Notes for one, and the other is 100% Web based) and have different customer groups - a customer looking for hosted software solution is not going to be searching for Lotus Notes products.

The sites do link to each other - there a several instances on the Lotus Notes site that direct visits to the other site: "If you are considering a 100% Web based solution, visit X", and vice versa.

Let me know your thoughts,




Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I re-posted about this earlier this week, which apparently has been deleted
It wasn't deleted. In fact, it was here in this forum just a few threads below this one. Any closer and it would have bitten you. ;-) (I've since merged it with this thread.)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Anyway - these aren't websites for the company itself, these are websites for our products, which run on different platforms (Lotus Notes for one, and the other is 100% Web based) and have different customer groups - a customer looking for hosted software solution is not going to be searching for Lotus Notes products.
We do not list websites for different products from the same company. Atleast not when these prodcuts are closely related (being software is very closely related)


May 1, 2008
It wasn't deleted. In fact, it was here in this forum just a few threads below this one. Any closer and it would have bitten you. ;-) (I've since merged it with this thread.)

That's odd - I didn't see the more recent post on the first several pages, so I did a search for my name and only the 2008 post came up, so I thought the recent post had been kicked.

But hey, thanks for cleaning up my mess! :) Hope you have a great weekend.

- WebMonkey


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We do not list websites for different products from the same company. Atleast not when these prodcuts are closely related (being software is very closely related)
Actually, that's not entirely true. Software is one of the few areas of the directory where you'll find individual products listed in cases where the software created by a company fall under different categories. For example, a graphics editing program and a database management program created by the same company might both be listable, depending, of course, on other listability criteria.

That said, I can offer no specific advice in your case, WebMonkey. You've suggested the site to the category you believe it belongs in and that's almost all you can do. (I say "almost" because you *could* submit a request to have the existing listing moved to the non-platform-specific category. If you do that, don't forget to include an explanation of why you think it belongs elsewhere.)
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