Website suggestion: added since 2005 please advice.


Feb 28, 2007
Greetings everyone, my name is Paul :).

A friend of mine who is experienced with submitting websites successfully to demoz suggested that I visit the forums and suggest the website I have been having trouble to add to the directory for the past few years. I am so glad I found this forum, I had no idea that it existed!

Anyhow, I first submitted this site in 2005 and checked regularly for the next several months to see if the site had been added. A friend then suggested that to submit it again in 6 months. Well that was a year and a half ago and I submitted again close to 2 months ago and to date nothing has seemed to happen.

I read all of the terms clearly and insured that the site meets all of dmoz specifications and also insured that it was submitted to the correct category. The truth is that i am beginning to get the impression that the category has been abandoned as i haven't noticed any new sites added in this category for some time now. My friend has added over 8 websites since I first added this site so any help regarding this matter would be really apreciated!

The site i would like to suggest is <url removed> and would love and apreciated to have it placed under this category

I am curious is there any follow up to the status of the submitions? Because I have never recieved a responce to date.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thread, and I hope that you please consider this site.

Warm regards,

Paul Evans


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
This forum's description reads
Forum for discussions about the process of suggesting a site for inclusion. General discussion only, no mention of specific sites here please.
It's FAQ is also worth study.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
PaulEvans said:
A friend of mine who is experienced with submitting websites successfully to demoz
O, but than he must have been suggesting websites to an other directory. This forum is about DMOZ. I personaly never heard of something called "demoz". :D
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