Website Timeframe and Locations/Languages


Jan 25, 2008
Hello All,

I wanted to ask a question about a website submission. My company has a website which I submitted over a year and a half ago but our problem is that it is close to a top level category that probably gets a lot of spam. (Consumer Information: Price Comparisons) Should I submit the website again or what should I do? Does anyone have any suggestions to make it stand out so it is reviewed?

Secondly, we just launched a United Kingdom and France section to the website. Should I submit these websites to different categories per location? They are on different subdomains (fr. and uk.) and they are both in their respective languages and only have products from those countries. I can submit them to different categories "Consumer Information: Price Comparisons: France" and "Consumer Information: Price Comparisons: United Kingdom" but I do not know if I should. I do not want it to become spam or take off the suggest website I posted a year and half ago. I would rather have it in a the proper category "Consumer Information: Price Comparisons" for the main domain (www.), rather than a sub category for the other languages (fr. and uk.).

If anyone can give me any suggestions on the review process and what I should do, it would be appreciated.

Lastly, I just want to say to all the editors at DMOZ they do a great job in running this directory. Our company started a directory about a year ago and it gets over 1,000 submissions a day and we are a little directory. It takes forever to review the submissions and find quality websites. To be the most recognizable directory on the internet, DMOZ must get a ridiculous amount of submissions (plus spam) and have a lot of time involved when it comes to reviewing these websites. Thank you for all the volunteer work and keeping a quality directory.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Well, presumably your main site is in English as well so the .uk isn't in a different language. ;)

I would recommend making sure that all of your versions are accessible from the main URL. Then suggest that main URL to all of the languages for which you have versions, i.e. once to an English category and once to a World/Français category. (If you suggested the English one before January 2007 when we recovered from our crash, then I would suggest it again.)


Jan 25, 2008
Thank you for the quick reply. When dealing with a category like Home: Consumer Information: Price Comparisons how long does it normally take to get reviewed? Should I assume that after a year and a half it has been reviewed and declined?

If you resubmit a website, does it move the old submission to the bottom and replace the other submission? I just do not want to submit it again and wait another year and a half in case it is finally at the top and ready to be reviewed in the next few months. And what happens if other people suggest your website to DMOZ? You do not control over who submits your site and it was suggested that the website would be banned for multiple submissions. How do you determine if the submission is coming from another person? If it is penalized, then a competitor can really hurt your chances of getting listed.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Should I assume that after a year and a half it has been reviewed and declined?
No, you should just assume that it hasn't been reviewed yet. :)

If you resubmit a website, does it move the old submission to the bottom and replace the other submission? I just do not want to submit it again and wait another year and a half in case it is finally at the top and ready to be reviewed in the next few months.
*IF* (and it is a huge "if") an editor views the pending sites by date order, then, yes, recent suggestions will be at the end of the list. But very few editors review sites strictly by date order. When you figure in all of the factors that an editor might take into consideration when choosing what sites to review first, the result is essentially random.


Jan 25, 2008
So really, it would not hurt to submit the site more than once to the same category (every month or so) so there is a better chance of getting reviewed. If there are multiple suggestions for the same website and they review them by random, than the reviewer is not going to see your site again for a while and if the reviewer does it sequencially, they probable won't see it for another month or so. Secondly, if the site is beneficial to the directory, the chances are better that they would not remove the listing if they see multiple submission than the small chance of even being reviewed at all?

I will not do this, mainly because it will take more time for the editors and that it would be a pain and slow down the process even more.

If after a year the site has not been reviewed, then what would make the reviewer pick it now? Do you have any suggestions that would increase the chances of the "Random Review"?


Oct 29, 2006
So really, it would not hurt to submit the site more than once to the same category (every month or so) so there is a better chance of getting reviewed.
Suggesting the site repeatedly to the same category merely overwrites the existing suggestion, not adds another instance to the pool of sites waiting.

From the editing side all sites waiting for review in a category are shown on the same page, with the sort order determined by the editors default settings (they can change them at any time).

I will not do this, mainly because it will take more time for the editors and that it would be a pain and slow down the process even more.
If after a year the site has not been reviewed, then what would make the reviewer pick it now?
Interest in the category would be the main one. Whether that is part of a tean effort to work on a particular section of the directory, or a persoanl inteest in editing 'all sites about <whatever>' , it all comes down to the fact that editors work where they are interested in working, there is no pressure to work on categories/sites they have no interest in. Force a volunteer to do something they don't enjoy = 1 less volunteer.
Do you have any suggestions that would increase the chances of the "Random Review"?
2 actually.
Suggest the site to the correct category (reading the category descriptions on the top right of the category should help, as will the descriptions for the higher level categories). has some (older) stats.
Suggest the site with a non keyword loaded title and description that matches our guidelines
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.