What about same site is suggested multiple times?


Jan 12, 2005
What heppends if someone suggest same site as I have suggested right after me. Will it be a "Deleting duplicate unreviewed from xyzCategory".
Which description will be saved?
Will that site won't ever be listed in DMOZ?

Can anyone clarify this for me?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's not a problem for us. It's not a problem for legitimate submitters. And we try to make sure (by means we won't publicly discuss) to make sure it _is_ a problem for spammers.


Jan 12, 2005
I don't talk about spammers. If it takes like 1 year for a site to be reviewed, isn't it possible that someone else suggets same site during this time then?

My question is what heppends with the description?
Is it changed to the last one or is the first submitted stored?

As I understand this, many editors don't like multiple submissions and leaves those sites, right?

How do I find out if a site is already suggested?


Jan 23, 2003
isn't it possible that someone else suggets same site during this time then?

Absolutely possible.

is what heppends with the description?

The newer submission usuallyoverwrites the older submission, thus wiping out the original suggested description. Buyt that really doesn't matter as we rarely use the suggested descriptino.

As I understand this, many editors don't like multiple submissions and leaves those sites, right?

No, we don't cate for multiple submissions, but......
....multiple submissions of hte same site to the saem category really don't impact us.
....multipe submissions of the same site to difference categories is a major pain, but we have ways of telling the difference between someone intentionally abusing the directory and the wonderful serindipity of two different people thinking the same site would be a nice addition to the directory.

How do I find out if a site is already suggested?

You cannot, unless you are the submitter and know what, where and when, and only want a status check.

By the way, this even impact editors. When we suggest a site we found, into a category where we don't have permission to edit, we have no way of knowing if it is already sitting there.


Mar 1, 2005
Multiple submissions are almost always from spammers.

When these marketroids meet the ODP editors, I know how they're feeling -- or at least, I know a mirror image of it -- very well. They're facing someone who can't promote long johns to naked eskimos; or who is indifferent (even, occasionally hostile) to their ulteriorly-motivated suasion; and they're facing someone who WILL be VERY hostile to them when they get "too pushy". And most people are too polite to tell salesman how irritating their pushiness gets. So salesmen just keep pushing harder and harder to make the sale, and eventually push past the point of toleration. Then they go away wondering why people are always hostile. But they themselves worked hard to destroy whatever benevolent feelings existed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Don't worry about it. Or -- worry about it somewhere else.

No legitimate submitter ever needs to worry about this. Follow the submittal policy, and nobody gets hurt.


Dec 4, 2004
It's not about The legit submitter IMHO. Popular(cult following Especially) websites often have FANATICAL fans. I know of fans who have taken it upon themselves if they don't see Favorite sites listed in the directories then they "try to help out" by submitting it themselves.

I was in one of my favorite forums the other day and a discussion started about getting more people to the site. Someone suggested DMOZ and before you knew it over 50 people had shot over to submit the Forum.
The webmaster rushed in to SAY NO NO NO but by that time it was obviously too late.

With that said Obviously this has gotta happen with other sites, as well. If the webmaster is unaware he is unable to put a stop to it.

I even bet you have fans submitting sites like google and yahoo all the time too.

Funny thing is you will need to be popular to begin with to get into this catch-22 and you did it all without DMOZ and if the editors are doing what they say they are doing soon your site will be listed just because it is the best in the said category--that is of course if the category exists--cause trying to get one created is nearly immposible.

Edit: I asked this question before wondering if submittals were seperated by IP to keep people safe from this but I never got an answer.

This can also work in reverse --where your Competitor submits your site hundreds of times to make you look like a spammer. So I would hope they look at IP's.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We aren't going to discuss what we do or don't do.

But I've seen exactly one case of this in five years -- including several months where I was probably doing more than any other editor specifically specifically potentially problematic submittals.

It could happen. It's MUCH less likely -- hundreds of thousands of times less likely -- than, say, an editor simply making a mistake and accidentally deleting a site. It's less likely than editor abuse. It's less likely than any other form of webmaster abuse I can imagine.

From our point of view, this is more ridiculous than a life insurance customer interrogating his agent about the company's contingency plans for mass meteorite strikes. "Look, if you don't like our policy, buy your OWN umbrella -- and line it with your choice of tinfoil!"
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