What am I doing wrong?


New Member
Jul 3, 2010
United KIngdom
Hello all,

I have applied to become an editor on a few occasions the last being a few days ago, with that application the editor was brilliant and actually left me a comment that I understood and followed - I reapplied answering as honestly with the reason for not disclosing my previous affiliations that I was asked about, and I got rejected again? Should I just give up? I am passionate about what Dmoz does on the web and I have been too silent for most of my life but with age comes experience and confidence. I am at a stage in my life where I feel confident enough in my own skills to know I can help and use the knowledge I have built up using the web for nigh on two decades

When I first applied I done so with my own website as a URL I would add to the category - after my rejection the first time I thought about that and I came to the conclusion that this was totally wrong - if I joined and "brought" my own site into the directory - where is the fairness in that? This directory strives for impartiality and fairness and in bringing my site in that would wash over those values. So I decided next time I applied I would leave my site out as it will either get into the directory on merit or not. This would not stop me being a good hard working editor with a passion for the category I had asked to edit which after reading the rules I chose because a it was within my field of expertise and b it had only 3 other entries so starting small to show what I can do and move on from there.

I got the following comments form the editor (don't you just love it when an editor actually takes a minute to explain where you went wrong and not just hit you with the standard - rejected email) anyway here are the comments:

Reviewer Comments:

Dear waylander,

Thank you very much for your application. The ODP relies on enthusiastic volunteers such as yourself. Unfortunately it appears that you have not fully disclosed your affiliated websites in the section entitled, "Sites with which you are associated." Affiliated websites include those that you own, market, assist with, have written content for, maintain, etc.

I encourage you to apply again, being sure to fully disclose your affiliations.

Thank you, and best of luck.

(if that Editor reads this can I say thank you so much for showing a human touch and taking the time to answer me, that I really do appreciate).

So again, I send off the application and this time I followed the letter of the law in doing so putting in my "affiliations" and also an explanation as to why I left them out this time. I wait and wouldn't you know it I get another rejection :( no comments this time :) so I can take it that I am not deemed worthy enough to edit a category of three Warhammer sites? So I at last I am on the verge of admitting defeat. I cannot offer anymore - I know I have the qualities needed and I am asked to try again but this last rejection hit the hardest - should Dmoz have some sort of probationary period? If they think you are worth half a chance they get you to moderate something for a few months and monitor your work rate. I will not offer my services to any-other company on the web for free but to Dmoz I do - at least 6 hours of unpaid work a day hoping to better the web and help anyone I can. I am now left floundering and wondering what I did wrong this time :unsure: Ah, for a few fair pointers or at least a comment telling me to go away and stop annoying people would be helpful ;)

On a serious note though, has any editor got any pointers? Although I feel like quitting while I am behind I am not a quitter, not when I know I can bring a lot of good to this directory. I know that sounds big headed and blowing my own trumpet but I know what I am capable of.

Would it help my cause if I spent a few months in the forum? Showing myself to be helpful, would this be better form of application than what I am doing now when just sending of the form? It is easy for someone to say "I can be great for you" way too easy - and I understand the editors problems in trying to weave out the good from the bad in what must be hundreds of applications per day?

Alas I wait in hope :rolleyes:


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We rarely comment on specific declined applications but I'll say this to you.

An application without any examples doesn't give us the opportunity to evaluate your selection, evaluation and description skills. That's covered in the email that you were sent.

Titles and descriptions of sample URLs (and other information provided) were subjective and promotional rather than unbiased and objective. ODP editors do not rank or write website reviews. ODP editors provide objective and unbiased descriptions of websites and their content.

By all means try again but, before pressing the button, I recommend that you self check your application against the list of common reasons in the emails that you've already been sent.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
An application needs to be complete (all fields with the requested information), be honest (tell us who you are and what you have done, including all affiliated websites) and needs to provide (preferably) 3 websites that fit into the category with titles and descriptions that show us that you have understood the guidelines.
It is not problem if 1 of the 3 examples is a website you are affiliated with.

If you receive a rejection email there is always a list of common mistakes. Being able to find which (one or more) of these mistakes apply to you and solve them in the next attempt can be seen as part of the process. It is much like tasks an editor will have to do day in day out.


New Member
Jul 3, 2010
United KIngdom
Hi, thank you both for your comments and please do not think I am saying I have been victimised - far from it. It is clear I made mistakes on my applications and the editor who put the comments on the application which I have put in above took time to point them out. I thought I had addressed them in the last application but again I have obviously made mistakes. Can I interject with a big Doh! :blink:

You are both correct in your summing up of my comments above and again I wish to thank you for taking the time to do so as I know how busy you must be. If I ever do apply again, I will go over the application with a fine tooth comb.
The one thing I would say though and I know this is down to the individual editor who looks at the application but just a couple of comments beyond the bog standard rejection letter goes a million miles and it is something I swore that if I ever became an editor I would do 100% of the time - it shows a human touch and it also helps the person rejected to see where they are going wrong as trying to pick out of the bog standard six reasons for a rejection "the reason or reasons can be a bit tiresome. Again I am not criticizing I am just making an observation which I am sure a lot of people reading this will make too. And I guess I will get a lot of criticism coming my way but please read what I have wrote here. I am not crying foul, all I am doing is trying to cement where I am going wrong and yes the rejection letter says it but in a far broader way. The answers I got here have explained it perfectly. I made the error of assuming that my 2nd application was being held until I fixed the points raised by the editor above about my affiliation so I did not put my heart into this third application as I did my 2nd)

Thanks for pointing out that you can include one URL that you are associated with as I thought it really unfair that an editor gets to brings his own website in with him - or a friends etc as I would class that as favoritism and elitism but who am I to critique.

Have a lovely weekend folks
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