What categories one must cover?



:question: Hello, I just submitted by application and I was wondering, is there any place where I can see what categories must one cover ( besides taking a look at the dmoz.org directories ). For example I applied for Reference, do I cover the whole Reference topic of only certain areas of it? In my application I explained about my areas of expertise which cover around 8 different topics about tips, tutorials, advice, reference, dictionaries and encyclopedias. Can you please help me on this? Thank you


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
I am not sure I understand your question. It isn't possible to apply to the top level of Reference. You must have applied to a specific subcategory. New editors are usually only approved in small categories (generally less than 100 sites), and only in one category. You have to spend some time learning the guidelines and how to edit according to them, and once you've demonstrated that, you can then apply to other categories.

I'm not seeing an application under the username you use here. You should have received a confirmation email after submitting your application. You have to reply to it before we'll see the app.

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