What do dates on the dmoz.org website mean?


Sep 5, 2005
I see lines like "Last update: 7:48 PT, Tuesday, May 17, 2005 " at the bottom of each category web page on www.dmoz.org... what does this mean? Is this the last time the web page itself was updated, or the last time a website was added to that category? In other words (taking the date I pasted above as an example) is it possible that websites could have been added to this category since May 17th but they are just not displayed yet? I read on a page somewhere that the search engine itself is updated independently of the categories, but I'm not sure if that is related to my question here. Thanks for any insight anyone can provide!


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
It shows the last time an editor did a change to the category you are looking at, whatever change that might have been. Addng, deleting, chaning a listing. Adding, changing, deleting information such as related categories / category in other languages / ... - Basically everything that triggers a regeneration of the HTML page (Public pages are not driven by a database but precompiled statc HTML, since this needs much less server power)

is it possible that websites could have been added to this category since May 17th but they are just not displayed yet?
Our frontend servers (www.dmoz.org) are cached for several days to reduce the load on our main machine, so changes due to the last few days might not be visible (or only visible on some of our public servers). Additionally to our server side caching, you might see a page cached by your browser.

Apart from that, our software might be "behind" due to lots of changes (which happens once every few months) and the changed page might still be queued for regeneration.

Apart from those reasons: No,that's not possible. And note that the date always matches the content you see.

I read on a page somewhere that the search engine itself is updated independently of the categories
That's true, but as you already assumed it's not much related. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
A couple of tidbits: unlike at Yahoo, when a subcategory is updated, the parent category date is not changed. This has occasionally caused confusion: people look only at the top category and assume there haven't been any changes in ages anywhere in the tree.

Also note that some editing activity in a category doesn't affect the user-visible page: in particular, adding, deleting, sorting, or moving items in the "unreviewed" heap.
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