What do do?


Nov 10, 2008
I should preface this post with the fact that I do understand and appreciate the work that the volunteer editors do. It's very much appreciates and for the majority, they do a great job.

I also understand that the forum to discuss status updates has been closed down (for good reason).

Having said all of that, One of my sites was submitted almost 6 months ago and I have had no response, and it's not listed. It's properly categorized, and my site is of much better quality than 90% of the current listings in the category (if google's inbound link "voting" in considered, it's got over 10,000 sites linking to it). The description is within guidelines and everything else is proper.

BY all measures, the site belonging in the category is a no-brainer. Is there any way to get in contact with the editor of the category, or perhaps for me to answer a question that is holding things up?

I'm not complaining, as I know there is likely a huge workload for the editors, I am simply wondering if there is anything I can do, or anyways I can contact someone to help me out.

I'm considering re-submitting the url, but from what I read, this is a no-no. My worry is that it's gone into a black hole of never-going-to-be-reviewed :)

For reference, the category is Arts: Music: Weblogs.

I believe that it's forbidden to post a url, so I'll leave that out unless someone asks me to provide it privately.

Any help sure would be appreciated.

thanks very much!


Nov 10, 2008
makrhod said:

Thank you for abiding by the forum rules.

Apart from the official ODP information pages, you will find the rest of your questions are answered in the FAQ (linked at the top of each page of this forum), particularly the section entitled "Questions about suggesting your site to the directory". :)

Thanks very much for the reply.

I did read those, but it doesn't give much hope :)

I had another site that I submitted to this category a couple of years ago & it never got reviewed. My worry is that this one never will either.

Is there any facility anymore to email an editor just to see if they are actually active & perhaps to see if there is a problem with my submission?

Or is the answer to apply to be an editor myself, and get the category up-to-date (although I suspect this might take just as long :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
mactac said:
Is there any facility anymore to email an editor just to see if they are actually active & perhaps to see if there is a problem with my submission?
No, there is not.

Or is the answer to apply to be an editor myself, and get the category up-to-date (although I suspect this might take just as long :)
If your intention is to help DMOZ building the directory feel free to apply.
If your intention is just to get your website listed please do not apply.
In both cases reread the material you have been pointed to. DMOZ is not about listing websites for their owners. Editor activity is not about reviewing suggested websites.


Nov 10, 2008
I was looking for some helpful information. I'm not looking to sidetrack things, but I've never had a positive experience trying to list a site.

even a 'hang in there, they eventually get to them' ... or 'don't bother, things are so backed up there's a good chance you won't ever get listed' or something like that would be great.

Some forums are very friendly places, while others are dismissive and disdainful of people who don't know all there is to know about a certain subject.

"If your intention is just to get your website listed please do not apply."
of course not. this is just ridiculous. As I said , it would be to "get the category up to date" as someone obviously is not able to fulfill their responsibility. Snarky answers like this are not helping.

I have read all the faqs and material and obviously it doesn't answer my questions, hence my posting here.

There are a ton of webmaster & seo forums out there - I didn't want a ton of people offering me "quick fixes" , or offering to "guarantee me a listing" for $200 or something like I keep seeing all over the place. I was hoping that if I went to the source and posted here, I'd get perhaps a more thoughtful and insightful answer to my query.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
mactac said:
I was looking for some helpful information. I'm not looking to sidetrack things, but I've never had a positive experience trying to list a site.

even a 'hang in there, they eventually get to them' ... or 'don't bother, things are so backed up there's a good chance you won't ever get listed' or something like that would be great.
Our answers, our FAQ and anything else should be clear.
Eventualy every suggested website will be reviewed.
It might be today, or next week, month, year, it even might be over 10 years or more. But eventualy they will be looked at.

"If your intention is just to get your website listed please do not apply."
of course not. this is just ridiculous. As I said , it would be to "get the category up to date"
Many editor applications are from people only interested in listing their own website(s). We want editors interested in DMOZ.

as someone obviously is not able to fulfill their responsibility.
That is impossible. Noone has the responsibility to look at suggested websites at all. And certainly not within a certain timeframe. Noone has the responsibility to maintain a specific category.
DMOZ editors are all volunteers who do what they want to do at a time they want. If they decide to do something within DMOZ they must do so following our guidelines. They even might decide to do something outside DMOZ. Freaky, isn't it. People allowed to do what they want. No control over the time these people spend at all. No control over which activitities the will do.

I have read all the faqs and material and obviously it doesn't answer my questions, hence my posting here.
That is because there is no specific answer for your questions. Not because we do not want to answer these questions. But because you are asking questions about things DMOZ does not provide. DMOZ is not about listing individual websites. DMOZ is not about reviewing suggested websites.

For suggested websites we can only answer the same as for websites that are not suggested. When will a website (suggested or not-suggested) be listed. It will happen when it happens.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.