what do editors look for in a site?

Apr 10, 2004
im after some advice about what editors look for in a site that is subbmited to the directory, i have submitted my site www.hallgate-timber.co.uk and it is waiting review but im still trying to improve it before it gets reviewed, are their any things that are a deffenet must to include in my site such as alt text on images etc. any help would be greatly appreciated as im new to website design. many thanks mark harris


Apr 15, 2003
Editors actually don't review site design, choice of colors, pretty images, HTML compliance, etc. Purple text on dark blue does not go over too well, if the editor can't read the site :)

Broken links may cause a problem and label the site unusable.

If a sites fails with the browser the editor is using, it may cause delays in editing, or if it is slow to load lots of Flash etc. and the editor is on a slow dialup line, it may be a problem.

Reviews look at the content of the information, not how pretty it is, and whether that content belongs in and meets the guidelines of the category. Sending to the worng category can be a maijor cause of delay in listing.

If a site has been submitted to a Regional category [hope you did that] as well as the Topical/Subject category, then it's good to see the company name and address.

I would not worry about your site appearance.

However, you might review which area you will deliver your sheds to and look at http://dmoz.org/Shopping/faq.html#3


Aug 22, 2003
I always like to remind webmasters that if their site is Flash-only (i.e. you can't skip the Flash,) it may take a looooooong time to get reviewed, since the most likely editor to review the site might be somebody like me who won't be able to view it. Fixing this by adding a simple text version of your information somewhere on your site will also have the benefit of making your site accessible to more potential users, so wouldn't be wasted effort. (-:

If you're submitting to a Shopping category, then prices and some method of online ordering are usually necessary, as is some indication of where you'll ship to.

If you're submitting to a Regional category then your business' address is good--you can't have specific regional importance if your local customers can't easily locate you. (-:

If you're submitting to some sort of Forums category, there will need to be lots of posts in your forums. Nearly-empty forums aren't much content.

No matter where you're submitting, the more unique and valuable the information on your website is, the more it stands out. But the truth is, we'll get to even the dull stuff eventually. As long as there's material on your website that can't be found anyplace else on the Internet, we want to link to it. :-D
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