What do editors talk about on the editor board?


Dec 18, 2007
I'm just curious, I submitted my site about a month ago. On the 12th, someone stopped by from DMOZ and spent about 8 minutes or so reviewing my web site. Then again on the 17th, someone stopped by and checked things out for a minute or so. But today, I'm getting hits from:


I'm just curious, do editors discuss websites among themselves? I'd love the feed back, are these discussions ever made public? I hope I do get included in the directory, but even if not I'd love to know what the editors thought.



Jan 23, 2003
I'm just curious, do editors discuss websites among themselves? I'd love the feed back, are these discussions ever made public? I hope I do get included in the directory, but even if not I'd love to know what the editors thought.

ODP editors have established a great history of collaboration and sharing of knowledge with each other. It is not uncommon for an editor to say: 'I came across xyz.com and I am not sure if it goes into CAT a or Cat B, can someone else take a look and share an opinion.

Or they might ask: can someone give me a second opinion on something to do with a given site.

I don't know what was or was not said about your site, but I can guarantee that watching your logs and trying to correlated that into some sort of ODP activity is an exercise in futility that may lead to madness, or even a long confinement. :eek:
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