What do I do if I forgot which subcategories I chose when submitting my URL?

Crystal Lal

Jul 1, 2004
Please forgive me. I was so thrilled when my website finally went live (I waited over 1 year for US Trademark approval before I went live)

In that excitement, I registered www.crystalscharms.com with DMOZ in the wee hours of the morning about a month ago. I know I chose


but I can't remember if I chose Charms, Handcrafted, or Bead and Gemstone since my jewelry fits all these descriptions.

I am so sorry! I know it's too early to ask for a site submission status. I am really concerned that I will blow that "once every six months" question if I am not sure of the complete subcategory trail. I feel like Dorothy waiting for her turn before OZ and I really want to get this right.

Is there a way for me to find out, so that I'll be better prepared when I ask that all important site status question?

celebrate the small things in life
Crystal Lal


May 26, 2002
You could resubmit to the one best category; then forget about it.

However, if you have already submitted, then you could just let the previous submission sit on file until it is reviewed. At that time it will be listed where it was submitted, or forwarded to a better category, or deleted as unlistable.

The danger in resubmitting is that several submissions will sit on file, the "wrong one" might be deleted, or all of them might disappear in an accident if the editor gets confused as to what you are doing, or trying to do.


Aug 14, 2002
Since your site fits 3 subcats Shopping/Jewelry would be the best place for it. When you are ready to ask the question, tell us you think it is there.

If we find it, great! If not, then you can resubmit to Shopping/Jewelry, since that's where the listing probably belongs.
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