What do you call SPAM


Nov 8, 2006

I want to ask a question:
What do you call SPAM?

I always thought, that SPAM are all these unwanted emails, which make my postbox full.

After reading some posts, I got the impression, that you call advertising SPAM.

There is a big business called affiliation on the Internet, where publishers offer some advertising place for enterprises and get paid when the advertiser sells something from a client coming from the publishers site.

Do you call this SPAM?

Is this forbidn, is this eval or unlegal?

For example:
Google bought YOUtube for 1.5 Milliards of $.
I always thought, why are they doing this, cause YOUtube offers evrything for free. How can this be interesting for Google? Well I think, it's the big amount of users from YOUtube, they want to have. But the users don't pay. Well I think this is because, if you have a lot of visitors, you may earn a lot of money selling advertisers a place for publishing, isn't it like this? So this is kind of affiliation, isn't it so?

But is this SPAM then?

The reason for my thread is, that I would like to understand.
But ofcourse, I would like to earn some money, like Google ??? :confused:

thanks for your attention and looking forward to hearing from you soon to get more light into this.

Best regards



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Spam is used to refer to a lot of different unwanted things, like the viagra and gambling comments left in my blog and guestbook are spam. From an ODP point of view, spam tends to mean a number of different things, including the repeated suggestion of sites that aren't listable according to our guidelines or the repeated and excessive suggestion of listable sites to inappropriate categories.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You are obviously interested in advertising and making money. You can find many forums that talk about those things. But there are no opportunities for either in the ODP (which is what this forum is about.)


Nov 8, 2006

I wanted to learn something how it works here.

Especially after reading the thread of this poor guy who worked hard for two years and did not get a chance from you:


Also, I am not looking for forums who "talk about those things".

I'm just a nice old guy who sees things a little bit cooler after many years of hard work, and I am a little bit astonished about the rough tone here, how things are said and how emotions are ignored.

This young guy above seems to have no chance here ...
(I don't know his web...)

I was writing my post in a polite, gentle way and I'm not used to get an answer, just after my first post, telling me, that this is not the place where I get the permission to ask a question. :eek:

Thank you Motsa for your explanations, I will have a look to the guidelines to learn more how the ODB works.

So far

and best regards



Apr 5, 2004
this poor guy who worked hard for two years and did not get a chance from you
Everyone has exactly the same chance to suggest a site, whether it is their own or not. ;)
When they do suggest one, they see (right there on the form) that no site is guaranteed a listing. If they look a little further and read the ODP guidelines, they see that volunteer editors build the directory in a number of ways which may include considering sites suggested by other people.
Nothing is unfair, everything is explained. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
mididoc, what would really really be unfair is if somehow, posting in this forum was a way of manipulating the system to get quicker review of your own site.

That would be unfair to the honest webmasters who spend their time building their content, not promoting it; it would be unfair to the surfers who would get what webmasters most wanted to hype, not what surfers thought was most valuable; it would be unfair to people who had honest questions about the ODP, because the forums would be spammed out of existance and they couldn't use them. And finally, it would be an unfair betrayal of our fellow editors, who set up this forum with specific rules.

And some of those people have feelings too -- feelings that they don't flaunt for their own selfish ulterior motives. Feelings that are for that very reason MUCH more worthy of respect and consideration.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
mididoc said:
I want to ask a question:
What do you call SPAM?

I always thought, that SPAM are all these unwanted emails, which make my postbox full.

Spam for DMOZ = all the unwanted suggestions
this includes amongst others
- sites already listed in DMOZ
- sites without own unique content
- sites without content (under construction)
- sites which do no fit the DMOZ guidelines
- multiple suggestion of the same site
- suggestions of deeplinks
They all make our pool of suggested sites full and are cause of the delays honest people experience while waiting for a review.


Nov 8, 2006
thank you all for your explanations.

I know now, what you are talking about.
I also want that everything goes fair.

Also I don't like SPAM, I would even say that I hate SPAM and it takes me everyday a lot of time sorting out these damned mails out of my postbox.

So I am really not a fan of SPAM.

But I would make a difference between SPAM mails and SPAM sites.

The mails come unwanted, I cannot do anything against, I am forced to waste my time. But nobody forces me to visit SPAM sites, or?

About unique content:
Is a directory an unique own content?
I don't think so, but it is worth to be visited, cause it saves me a lot of time to search all these sites listed in the directory.

I just wanted to get light into this and learn about the guidelines.

I appreciate your efford in looking personally to every submitted site,
I can even not imagine that this is possible, all these thousands of sites,
and may be there could be mistakes and things get lost ...

However, I always like it very much if people are treated with respect and in a nice way in these tough times. :)

Take care



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
>The mails come unwanted, I cannot do anything against, I am forced to waste my time. But nobody forces me to visit SPAM sites, or?
It are not the sites itself that are seen as spam by DMOZ but the suggestions. Even perfectly honest and good sites can be seen as suggestion spam if they are suggested to many different categories.

>Is a directory an unique own content?
Could be. But for a directory it is important to have "enough" content.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Email-wise, I have my address on my website so that people can contact me for various legitimate reasons. Unfortunately I also get junk mail sent to me too. This is annoying, and I have to wast time dealing with it.

ODP-wise, we offer members of the public the ability to suggest sites for editors to review with a view to listing. We have a set of guidelines and instructions as to what sort of suggestions are appropriate -- by and large this corresponds to what sort of sites we'd like to list, and excludes things which would just result in editors wasting their time. Unfortunately, lots of people ignore those instructions, and the resulting site submissions are what we call spam. This is annoying for editors, who have to waste time dealing with these suggestions.


May 26, 2002
You see email in your inbox, email that you don't want sent to you, as being spam...

For the ODP, unwanted site suggestions, and multiple suggestions for the same site, dumped in our "suggestions inbox" are what we see as spam...
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