what does it take?


Mar 2, 2004

I have tried on 3 different occasions to apply to become an editor. Only the first time had a reason, "Site already on dmoz", or something to that effect, the other two had no other reason except for the deal that is listed for all denied applicants.

My problem is I was denied for an area with only 5 links, no subcategories, just those 5 links. :confused:

The links that I found were not on the site, I did complete searches. I would just like to know why I was denied for that category.

I can, if you like, show you the sites I found, the descriptions I used and the category I put it in. I know that you probably are not the one that reviewed my application, so won't know the exact reason, but maybe you can tell me from the urls I provided if you want them?



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
TrickyNick said:
the other two had no other reason except for the deal that is listed for all denied applicants.
Your previous applications aren't available for discussion, but I suggest that you read the denial email carefully. One or more of the items in there does apply or you wouldn't have been sent it. Also, it might be helpful to read our editor guidelines before you try again.

BTW, Not all denied applicants get the same email.


Mar 25, 2002
TrickyNick said:
no other reason except for the deal that is listed for all denied applicants.
Just because it's a standardized reply, it doesn't mean that it's not valid :) Make sure that you can check off all of the points on that e-mail and can honestly say that you can't see why the application was denied. Take a look at our [thread=1289]FAQ and General Advice[/thread] thread as well for more info about becoming an editor.


Mar 2, 2004
ok, there is only one thing I could not "check" off the list.

* Titles and descriptions of sample URLs (and other information provided) were subjective and promotional rather than unbiased and objective. ODP editors do not rank or write website reviews. ODP editors provide objective
and unbiased descriptions of websites and their content.

Guess I need to practice writing descriptions before sending in another application. Is there a place that can give me help?


Mar 2, 2004
I found another area that I'd be interested in volunteering my time to help. It is a regional area with lots of subcategories. I know some specific URLs that are in the different categories, how would I go about filling the application so that the one for the bar goes into the "Restaurants and Bars" sub category, and another URL will go into the "Animals" category?



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
After each description, use brackets to add a comment something like [Animals] or [Restaurants and Bars]. Metas are mostly human and should be able to work out what you mean.

However, if the category of your desire has lots of subcategories, it might be too large for a trainee.


Mar 2, 2004
jimnoble said:
After each description, use brackets to add a comment something like [Animals] or [Restaurants and Bars]. Metas are mostly human and should be able to work out what you mean.

However, if the category of your desire has lots of subcategories, it might be too large for a trainee.

It does have lots of categories, but not many sites listed. It reports 20.

Category Link

Is this category too much for a beginner?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
TrickyNick said:
Is this category too much for a beginner?
Most Palm Beach websites should be listed in their localities, not at the Palm Beach level. That's why the latter mostly consists of links to other categories.

Because the 'where to list' decision needs a clear understanding of our directory, I'd be unlikely to grant this category to a beginner. Something like Boynton Beach/B&E would be a better introduction to editing in ODP.

Others metas may have differing opinions on this.


Mar 2, 2004
jimnoble said:
Because the 'where to list' decision needs a clear understanding of our directory, I'd be unlikely to grant this category to a beginner. Something like Boynton Beach/B&E would be a better introduction to editing in ODP.

Others metas may have differing opinions on this.

I can sign up for that, but I am not filmiliar with that area. I can sign up for West Palm Beach, Lake Worth or Palm Spring. Would those be suitable for a beginner? Now, I'm not asking if I'd be accepted, just asking for your opinion if a beginner can handle those 3 cities I listed. If not, I can go with the Boyton Beach area, I'd just have to do more research.

Thanks for replying. It's making me feel that I actually do have a chance once I finaly decide on a catagory to help.


TrickyNick said:
I can sign up for that, but I am not filmiliar with that area. I can sign up for West Palm Beach, Lake Worth or Palm Spring. Would those be suitable for a beginner? Now, I'm not asking if I'd be accepted, just asking for your opinion if a beginner can handle those 3 cities I listed. If not, I can go with the Boyton Beach area, I'd just have to do more research.

Thanks for replying. It's making me feel that I actually do have a chance once I finaly decide on a catagory to help.

Sites listed in the following categories are:
Boynton Beach: Business and Economy (45)
West Palm Beach: Business and Economy (146)
Lake Worth: Business and Economy (36)
Palm Springs (3)

The only one that is probably to large is West Palm Beach
Palm Springs (there is no Palm Spring) is probably only a good category if you know of several sites that would fit that specific locality.

NB I am not a meta and do not review applications, but based on previous advice Boynton Beach or Lake Worth B&E look like good starting points.

If you do make it, please feel free to contact me, Florida can be a tough initiation due to realestate/vacation rental/tour operator multiple submissions.


Mar 2, 2004
gimmster said:
Sites listed in the following categories are:
Boynton Beach: Business and Economy (45)
West Palm Beach: Business and Economy (146)
Lake Worth: Business and Economy (36)
Palm Springs (3)

The only one that is probably to large is West Palm Beach
Palm Springs (there is no Palm Spring) is probably only a good category if you know of several sites that would fit that specific locality.

NB I am not a meta and do not review applications, but based on previous advice Boynton Beach or Lake Worth B&E look like good starting points.

If you do make it, please feel free to contact me, Florida can be a tough initiation due to realestate/vacation rental/tour operator multiple submissions.

First, it is Palm Springs. I was typing in a hurry without doing a spell check since I did not know if my DSL line would lose Sync again. But, as they say, is just an excuse. :rolleyes:

Going from your advice, I think I will take Lake Worth. It's closer to me and I travel though it frequently. Boynton Beach, I could take, but it's not a city I travel though very often.

When (not if, ;) ) I get accepted; I'll send you a message.

Thanks for giving me the tip about WPB being a bit too big for me at this point.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
TrickyNick said:
ok, there is only one thing I could not "check" off the list.

Guess I need to practice writing descriptions before sending in another application. Is there a place that can give me help?

This is one of those skills that you can't learn in either Creative Writing or Technical Writing courses -- yet. The ODP editors' guidelines are public, and that's the place to start.
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