What does this site need?


Jan 23, 2003
I'm sorry, but site reviews are specifically not allowed in this forum.

There are any number of other discussion forums on the web where one can get a site critique, and I would direct your attention to one of those sites.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Without reviewing the site -- the first thing every website needs is a creative brain. It doesn't have to belong to the webmaster -- these days, small websites are brain-dead easy to set up, and anyone with even a minimum-wage 1960's-era secretarial/steno pool skillset could set up a medium-size site using HTML-page-typing programs like Fontplague.

But somewhere there needs to be someone who has something to say: you know, answers worth hearing to questions like: "who are you, what do you know, what happened to you, what have you done lately, what would you do for money?"

With that, then you're about to have a website: PROTECT the person-with-the-brain from hostile art critics, give him a keyboard and notepad, and let him create.

Without that, you have nothing but an uncomfortable delusion.
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