What happened to Motsa's Avatar?


Jun 30, 2006
What does "Avatar pilferers suck!" mean? Can someone do that?

I feel awful she has to wear a sign announcing a crime of underhanded thievery, unless she really wants to change it. Is it temporary? Is it a joke? Are we allowed to ask?

Can you all get it back for her?

Wishing for the swift return of the inquisitive, bright eyed, Motsa.


Nov 7, 2006
Egads!!! You mean some low down scoundrel has absconced with an avatar?! in here?! in broad daylight?!

Has there been a ransom note? Any description of the culprit? Does he have hair? I've got my spicions, but, but I'm still following the bread crumbs... :( Never fear crowbar is on the trail!

Now where'd I put my glasses?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I feel awful she has to wear a sign announcing a crime of underhanded thievery, unless she really wants to change it. Is it temporary? Is it a joke? Are we allowed to ask?
She's a R-Z admin. Only a handful of people could change her avatar here without her permission. ;)

The current avatar is a protest because someone has filched her custom avatar to use for themselves on another site and she wants to make a statement that taking someone's custom avatar for yourself is a low-down, dirty deed. :mad:


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
Oh, my, motsa, I saw that your avatar was missing, and when I read the new graphic's text, I thought it must mean that you had taken your cute little avatar from somewhere else!
I am so pleased to learn that it is just the opposite, and that you are an honest person:)


Jun 30, 2006

This may be completely irrelevant and inaccurate, in your case, but in my experience I see many people cross an ethical boundary, not because they mean any ill-will, but because they haven't thought about it enough to realize the ethical boundary exists at all. It could be a simple thoughtless mistake in judgement.

In many cases, people really appreciate that someone took the time to explain the ethical considerations without attacking them for their inappropriate action.

Maybe they understand some of the rules of the ODP and didn't feel there was anyway to contact you for permission. Asking your permission in an open forum may be too embarrassing. Most of the time they are frightened of the answer they believe you would give, and worried they will not be strong enough to live with the answer they don't really want to hear. So they decide to never ask for permission at all, not realizing that is worse than asking in the first place and disregarding a negative answer.

They could just foolishly and inaccurately assume it was something you probably acquired from some royalty free icon source. They also might have simply believed that no one would ever find out on the huge internet, which isn't that aweful a crime in the world of the internet we all know in some degree.

I hope they will be asked directly, by someone, in a kind and thoughtful way, if they understand that it is a custom avatar. They may not have ever imagined the injuries their actions have caused. You may be shocked by their embarrassed response.

As long as they are asked by someone (it doesn't need to be you), who kindly assumes they simply didn't understand, it really leaves them with no reasonable response other than to thank you for casting light on the subject, and to cease the behavior.

A simple last resort of a very kind appeal to their conscience may be in order. Not very many people want to wake up in the morning, day after day, and be disgusted when they look in the mirror.

You could always offer to help them create their own so they can be different too!

I hope it is not lost to a blatantly malicious person or entity, who will continue in a reckless manner. You may already know that may be the case. Ying and Yang will eventually bring that back to balance.

I am glad you have shed more light on the subject. I would imagine there are about 4,000 other editors who would love to kindly raise the subject with the possibly innocent party. Only one is necessary.

I wish you a swift recovery, a positive outcome, and an end to your loss.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
corinda, you're taking the issue of my former avatar way too seriously. Let me be clear here -- when I say custom avatar, I don't mean that it is artwork I created myself. It's an old 70s print but it's somewhat obscure and not something someone is likely to have decided to have gotten on their own. The point I was making with my little protest is that people shouldn't just be grabbing stuff where they find it. Have a little creativity, people.

In any case, this has just become too weird so I've removed the concern-causing avatar and am closing this thread.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.