What Happened to this category?

I have tried to obtain an answer as to why the category:


has been removed. I have posted several issued concerning this category 2 weeks ago and each time my posts are removed from this "open board". Now my site(www.klickonusa.com) has been banned from DMOZ and the category has completely been removed. After going through proper channels it was added back to: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Searching/Search_Engines/Specialized/Pay-Per-Click/Small-Scale_Pay-Per-Click/ and the meta who removed all of my post on this board went in a deliberately posted a "Do Not list" message so that my site will never be listed on DMOZ. Then the same META went and completely removed the entire category which initally contained my listing from DMOZ.

I believe this entire matter needs to be investigated. Any META is free to contact me to obtain the particulars regarding these issues.

The editor notes left concerning my site are unbelieveable and it is beyond me that the managers of DMOZ continue to accept these types of pratices.


Mar 1, 2002
From our Forum Guidelines:

Discussion of editing issues - these should be discussed in the editor forums, not in the public forum.

Since you are an editor I strongly suggest you continue this discussion in the internal editor fora - if at all.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.