What happens in categories without editors?


Dec 31, 2007
Several categories appear not to have editors.

This can be deduced by the invitation to become the editor for the category.

Presumably this makes it pointless to submit to those categories because there is no editor to review them.

Some regional categories seem to have nobody going upwards until one reaches the regional UK level.

The super editors at this level must be so overloaded that even if they wanted to they would be unable and maybe unqualified to edit the URL suggestions that are otherwise unfielded.

Perhaps this explains the huge number of internet moans about sites not being listed after long waiting times and the recent policy about no feedback over how URLs are going.

But perhaps not? Is there anyone out there prepared to defend DMOZ against the bad press it's currently getting on the internet. I certainly hope so, and I hope this post will give you a vehicule to do just that.

One of the posts suggested that there are advantages in posting in a suitable supercategory. Perhaps that is particularly true if that category actually has an editor? Is that true?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
One of the posts suggested that there are advantages in posting in a suitable supercategory. Perhaps that is particularly true if that category actually has an editor? Is that true?
To quickly answer that one, no, it isn't true. It will in fact lengthen the amount of time it takes for your site suggestion to be reviewed.


Jan 23, 2003
The super editors at this level must be so overloaded that even if they wanted to they would be unable and maybe unqualified to edit the URL suggestions that are otherwise unfielded.

Utterly false supposition. :D
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