What If I Can't Remember?


Jan 9, 2008
I'm sure this has been asked and answered a dozen times, but I wasn't able to find anything through search.

What should I do if I can't recall whether or not I've already submitted a URL to DMOZ (other than come up with a more organized approach)? I don't want to jinx myself for re-submitting, but I would like this site to appear in the directory at some point.



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
We won't hold it against you if you re-suggest a url a second time. Multiple re-suggestions will slow down the review time and could in extreme cases be considered spam, but you would have to work pretty hard for that.

A re-suggestion once to make sure the site made it in to be reviewed isn't a problem. If you can't remember if you have suggested it, feel free to submit another suggestion just to be sure it made the first go round. Then you can keep track of what/when you suggested this time. :)


Jan 23, 2003
What we are trying to avoid is when people begin constantly resuggesting their sites on a regular basis -- in the mistaken belief that it is OK to do so annually, monthly, or every 7 minutes.


Jan 9, 2008
spectregunner said:
...or every 7 minutes.

Good grief, is that real? I mean are people really doing that? What a waste of time! Why? I mean what's the motivation? Is it because they think a DMOZ link will help with site promotion or SEO? I could think of about a thousand other ways to spend your time that would be more fruitful.

I recently began working in SEO, and I'm finding that there is at least as much mis-information on the subject as there is helpful info. I'll concede that I'm new to this, but it seems to me that quality content backed up with loads of keyword research is more valuable than any one link.


Oct 29, 2006
I've certainly seen examples of daily and weekly re-suggestions, although most people don't seem to get sucked into believing they need to do that.
Baseline is:
Suggest it once.
If you don't see it listed in a vaguely realistic timeframe (6 months plus) suggest it one more time, just in case of a technical problem.\

2 suggestions covers the remote possibility of it suffering a technical problem.

Continued suggestion after that is just potentially shooting yourself in the foot.
1) Suggestions don't 'expire'. they stay in the syatem until declined or listed (they might be partly reviewed and moved category, but not deleted in the process)
2) suggesting a site continually to the same category resets the suggestion date, moving the suggestion to the bottom of a date sorted list of sites for review. (Sites can be sorted in several orders, but this one has a specific effect).
3) Shotgun spamming - suggesting the site to multiple categories does make for the possibility of human error when removing all the duplicates, they might all be removed by accident, rather than all but one. (dealing with this issue involves multiple screens, not a 'select from this list' type interface, so it is possible)
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