What if the editor doesn't edit anymore?


Mar 27, 2004
I recently submitted a site http://www.x-formation.com to

On google there was a link so you could email the editor of the category which I tried. Sending a mail to the editor "cool" resulted in a error where the dmoz website said that the editor doesn't exist.
So what will happen to that category? Will my request be pending infinitely until someone will edit this category again?

Thanks in advance.
-- Henrik


Sep 11, 2003
I assume that the reason that you would like to contact the editor is because you would like to enquire if your site has been listed or a question of that sort of nature....?? Am I correct?? If so we have a Site Submission Status which may be able to help you.

In answer to the "What will happen to that category?" question - although there may no longer be a named editor it can still be edited by many many other editors. Any editors for the higher categories in that branch can edit all the categories below them and there are also many editors who can edit directory wide. Therefore having a named editor for a category does not really make a great deal of diference.

You are free to try and contact named editors but be prepared for 'no response' as most choose not to reply. There have been to many abusive or non-productive emails etc that editors soon learn that it is not always wise to communicate with submitters. Infact I would go as far as to say it is even discouraged, although at the end of the day it is completely up to the editor themselves. I personally choose not to answer feedback of any kind - but that is me.


Mar 27, 2004
leer said:
I assume that the reason that you would like to contact the editor is because you would like to enquire if your site has been listed or a question of that sort of nature....?? Am I correct?? If so we have a Site Submission Status which may be able to help you.

Yeah that sort of nature. I'll go on with the site submission request forum sometime in future if still nothing happens. I was just fearing that noone would look at my request but it seems this is not the case. The next thing is when some admin is actually gonna do it. *hint* *hint* :monacle:

Thanks for the fast reply and have a nice day :)

-- Henrik


Mar 25, 2002
"gonna do" what? Look at a status request, or review your site?

Sites get reviewed when volunteer editors do it - no amount of humourous *hint*ing on here will help that. :monacle:


Mar 26, 2002
I did not list your site but I did go in and clean out the crap out of unreviewed. Sorted all the non-english sites out, took care of all the update requests, and pruned out all the duplicates. I did not list any sites but hey, at least someone has worked on the category :D

Best of luck to you!
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