What is "main" site?? Thanks


Jan 10, 2006
Hello there,

I submitted my site http://www.discountwig.net about half year ago.

And then I try to contact some of the editors about the status of my submission. One editor told me this:

"submitting your "main" site to the best category, as in my opinion discount wigs is a subsite of it, and will most likely not be listed with that URL."

Well, I still apprecaite him very much for his words. But he wont anwser my questions anymore.

So, I am very confused. What is main site?

I submitted my site here:

Well, I have read some thread other people waiting two years and still not get listed. So I am not complaining and will continue waiting.

But if you were a editor, do you think my site qualify to get listed?

Is there anything that I should do about the subsite?

Should discount wigs be a subsite of something?:icon_ques




Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Assume for the moment that you own the company that provides the goods-or-services that website offers. (Note, this is not necessarily the same company that owns the website.) Are there any other websites -- no matter who owns them -- that offer the same G/S?

Now assume that you own the website. Are there any other websites that you own?

If the answer to either of these questions is "yes", the "main site" is the site, prominently featuring the names of sites owner (and beneficiary business, if they are different) and that has links to all the other sites.

(It's pretty safe to assume that in the case of any legitimate company with even a half-competent webmaster, such an entry point to the company's web presence will exist. And, of course, any of that company's content that isn't linked to from its OWN HOME PAGE, is pretty well certain to be not worth linking to! So we just link to that one "entry point" page.)


Jan 10, 2006
No, I dont have other website that offers the same G/S.

Yes, I do have other website. But these websites has nothing to do with the wigs.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I think you may have misunderstood me. I carefully did not ask if the other websites have anything to do with wigs. And I am very sorry that my words gave that impression. Please re-read my post, assuming that it really doesn't matter whether your other websites have anything to do with wigs.

Also, you only broached on one of the pairs of questions I asked, and you only answered the first question of THAT pair.

If BOTH first questions are answered "yes", the "home page" should meet both criteria. I know from experience, and most submitters can sense, that in practice this usually turns out to be impossible. (And, of course, spammers will consider this not only difficult, but fatal to their intended scheme of deception. They really really really don't want people to know what their other sites are. People who care about their reputation, legitimate businessmen, honest webmasters, on the other hand, will want people to know about their work -- that is, the full range of their websites.)

So I can propose another criterion: if you're ashamed for someone to know all of the websites you own, it is fairly likely that none of the websites are listable -- since the only justification for their existance (from OUR point of view) is to tell the world about you and what you know and what you do for money. If they don't tell that, they're nothing.


Jan 10, 2006
Dear hutcheson,

I am sorry I might get confused by your question.
Well, my natural language is not english so please bear with me.

First, here are list of my sites:
A site for chinese gift and small decorations.

A site for chinese and japanese chopsticks.

A site for import service for cabinets

A site for import High visibility rainwear.

a site for discount wigs

ths one for the wigs,
www.discountwig.net is the site I suggested to DMOZ

I think chopsticks site can be a subsite of the first one because they are related so the chopsticks site should not be listed in dmoz.


Jan 10, 2006
Dear hutcheson,

If possible, can you not use these words like
"half-competent webmaster", "spammers ".

Still, thank you very much for your time and assistant.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Sir, are you suggesting I be FRANK?

OK, you have a list of sites offering things for sale. That's the first part of one question -- the exact identity of the sites doesn't matter. The real question is: "Where is the website I can go, to see the complete list of your sites offering things for sale?" (Call it "entry page 1") THAT is the only website that could POSSIBLY be the "main site."

But that site might not be a main site after all. Because there is still that other question, which you have not answered....and you did not answer it even after I pointed out that not answering it would make you seem evasive!

Again, the identity of the company providing all those goods or services doesn't matter. What matters is -- where is the website where we can find out all about that company, and all of the goods and services it offers? THAT might be the "main site". If that is the same as the "entry page 1" I mentioned earlier, then we have found the main site!

Now, the problem with half-competent webmasters is that they do create company websites without interlinking them. Stupid? YES. Make the company look bad? YES. Thoughtless? YES. But it does happen. And so we can't look at a site and say "this is a spammer's work". We have to consider the possibility it is just incompetent web design -- which happens.

But an honest company, with even a half-competent webmaster, will not need me to tell them how to create navigation. They'll have their corporation main page, with links to all their divisions, all their locations, all their product lines. And that is what the ODP editor is expecting to find. When that is NOT what we find, then we wonder: is this a spamming scam artist who doesn't want the world to know who he is, or is it a corporation with a webmaster who doesn't know how to create a hyperlink? Which is it?

Sometimes we can't tell. And sometimes (very occasionally) honest companies do not get their sites listed, because their webmasters are just clueless.

The web is still new, but it's maturing. More and more, honest companies are getting their act straight. More and more, it is safe to assume that sites without basic corporate information are deceptive scams.

And, therefore, more and more, honest companies HAVE to have their act straight.

That's where we all are now.


Jan 10, 2006
dear hutcheson,

thanks a lot for your words and time.

Based on your words above, I will make wig site my main site and add every sites to it.

I am not trying to spam or something. And I am not liar or anything.
Why you keep using these words?
Just tell me what I should do and what i should not do.

>But that site might not be a main site after all. Because there is still that >other question, which you have not answered....and you did not answer it >even after I pointed out that not answering it would make you seem >evasive!

What question do you want me to answer?
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