What is the best category for my Arabic website ?


Nov 12, 2005
Dear members,

I would like to update my website category on DMOZ directory

WebSite name: Racing 4 Education
WebSite url : http://www.racing4e.com/

It’s an Arabic website contain also English interface [for non-Arabic visitor] ( not available right now for maintaining)
It contain photos, movies and articles
Most by visitors is from the Arabic bulletins and they also use my website content in there thread

My website is categorize in DMOZ but I don’t know if it in the best category
Do I need to change the category or I should add it in another category

What I sure about is that I need to change the website name

Please advise me

Best regards, :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The submittal policy says to suggest a site to ONE category.

You did that.

The submittal policy says that deciding whether (and where) a site is added is the editor's responsibility. You say the editor did that.

If you do not know, for certain, that the category is wrong, then you should not worry about it. The editor thought it was the right category, and picking the right category is the editor's responsibility.

If I understand you, you are saying that currently, the English navigation is unusable. If the site had been fully usable and useful to people who read only English and understand no Arabic at all -- then you could have suggested the website to an English-language category. This would be IN ADDITION to the (Arabic-language) category where it is already listed. But do not suggest the site in an English-language category until you have had the site reviewed by someone who does not know Arabic. If they cannot use the site, then do not suggest it again.

You can suggest any kind of changes in any site's current listing: just click on the "update listing" link in the category where the site is listed.

But remember: we can not use all suggestions! We may review the site again, but we must follow the editing guidelines. (Sometimes that means we make a different change, sometimes it means we make no change at all!)


Nov 12, 2005
Dear hutcheson
Thank you for your reply
I road your reply very carefully,

The the website has been rebuild in the last days and the English navigation is one of the issue that I will solve in the next 12 hour

The English interface is useful for the visitor to use the pictures and movie gallery, and for the record 42% of my visitors is from USA and Europe and 50% from the Medial East and the rest are from other country and private network.

So as you can see there are visitors from non-English people.
I have no attention to add my website to additional category, but any other English category suggests is welcome.

The category that my website categories in, is wrong and I am certain of that.
I would like to change it to another category and I am thinking of this category
because all the websites in this category are working in the same activities of my website, also I would like to change my website name in DMOZ from what it is now to ‘Racing 4 Education’ and update the description to
موقع متخصص بتعليم رياضة السيارات عن طريق الصور المشروحة لسيارات و لقطع سيارات و المواضيع المفصلة في مكنيكا و صيانة السيارات ، بالإضافة قسم افلام سيارات و مقالات عن السيارات.

Thank you again for your reply

Best regards,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
When I said
You can suggest any kind of changes in any site's current listing: just click on the "update listing" link in the category where the site is listed.

I also meant to imply "do NOT suggest any kind of changes in any site's current listing in the forum." I apologize for not making that clear. It really doesn't matter what kind of changes you propose: put them in the "update listing" form over at dmoz.org.

Note this carefully: we do not care where your surfers come from! (Arabic-speaking people are spread widely across the world, just as English-speaking people are!) What matters is what language they read. And do not suggest ANY site to ANY language category (including English) unless that site is useful for people who speak ONLY that language.

This is meant to be practical advice: it may seem brain-dead obvious, but I have seen many sites with English navigation: but when I navigated through the English link captions, the actual articles are still all in German or Turkish or whatever. Such sites are not listable in English-language categories!


Nov 12, 2005
Dear hutcheson
Thank you for your reply

I already used the update button on dmoz.org but it seem that the editor is not there, also I sent my application to become an editor on dmoz.org because I understand categorize work very will but I was refuse because I suggest only one site.

I was thinking that dmoz.org and its forums are very welcoming place but I think I am wrong, because all what I see is a negative action on me.

This thread looks like workless for me in a situation that I need action.
I will try to submit my application again with two website to make some work done on dmoz.org

Best regards,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I already used the update button on dmoz.org but it seem that the editor is not there,

Big misunderstanding here. Editors work when they have free time. A suggestion will wait until someone wants to review it. How long will that be? It may be a few seconds, or may be four years.

>also I sent my application to become an editor on dmoz.org because I understand categorize work very will but I was refuse because I suggest only one site.

>I will try to submit my application again with two website to make some work done on dmoz.org

The point of being an editor is to find and review LOTS of sites. The editor application is a chance to show the kind of thing you WANT to do. If you're accepted, we expect you to do more of the same. So ... why not go ahead and find THREE websites?

>I was thinking that dmoz.org and its forums are very welcoming place but I think I am wrong, because all what I see is a negative action on me.

>This thread looks like workless for me in a situation that I need action.

Yes, even the most gracious host may get a bit miffed when you try to smuggle a dead skunk into her wine-tasting party. If you read the "forum policies" carefully, you'll see what you did that you were told not to do -- and there's no way to wear out a welcome faster than riding rough-shod over community policies.

If you want to build up a topic on the web, then helping edit an ODP category is one good way of doing it. Building a good website is another good way. Some people do both.

Another very effective way of getting a LOT of hostility from the ODP community is trying to use the ODP to build up a website, and obsessing about an ODP listing even before the content is built for it! When you do that, you sound like a spammer, plotting to manipulate ODP editors for your own ulterior motives.

What's the solution?

(1) Create and collect unique content for your website. Submit it to the ODP, and then forget about it.

(2) Collect links to sites that contain other unique content. Post them on your website (in a links page). If you want to promote those OTHER sites (NOT your own site) further, then good! the ODP and your chosen topic may benefit from your help.

You see the difference? DON'T think of what YOUR SITE needs and the ODP in the same thought session. Instead, go first to see what the web has already on the subject -- review and list sites. Now, you are an expert on what the web DOESN'T have: THAT'S what you can add to YOUR site to promote the topic.

And if you do that, the ODP listing will come. I don't know when it will come -- obviously the site must be reviewed by someone who knows Arabic, and THIS forum tends to focus on English speakers. But I do know: ODP editors are grateful for the unique content, and excited when we find a good collection of unique content on our favorite subject.
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