What is the correct category for this site?



The following site: EmmaDesigns features the author's photography work as well as print & web design portfolios. This is someone I know and she has submitted the site to Photojournalism/Music_Photography

I have recently received some good advice in the 'Becoming An Editor' forum on my quest to become an editor but I'm wondering about this site. Would it be correct to place it the category it was submitted to or does the fact that photography appears to be only a third of what she does scotch her chances?

(Incidently, as I know her, I can confirm that her website is currently misleading as she exclusively works as a photographer now)

I'd also like to share http://www.photo2000.co.uk . This is a legitimate site but has a broken link on 'live portfolio' . Would that be grounds for a refusal to list and would you let the submitter know the reason?


Jun 24, 2003
We can only decide if and where to list a site based on its content. There are a lot of photos on the site, but also design work. Unfortunately no subject is given a clear priority, but in this case there's 'design' in the title tag and the URL, so I'd most probably send it to a design category for review. Other editors may have a different approach.

If she really exclusively works as a photographer, then the site is indeed misleading. But that's just my 2 cents.

As far as photo2000 is concerned, a broken link is a minus but not necessarily a reason to refuse a listing if there's enough other interesting content on the site.

We usually don't tell submitters why a site has been refused (it's discouraged because some editors had bad experiences with that), but editors can do so if they want.


Thanks Senox!
Now, here's the next part.... what happens if you were to submit www.emmadesigns.com/portfolio.html as the URL? Would it be rejected as well because it drops you right into the middle of a site and isn't the home / index page?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Depends on the editor. Normally its just shortened in the first go. In one go, I for myself process every link once. So if I shorten it, I can't review it at the same time (It's easiest this way, using our software). As a result it would increase time-to-review compared with a submission of the main URL.
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