What is the point in DMOZ


Jul 6, 2010
Manchester, UK
I'm starting to wonder what is the point in DMOZ. I've submitted my site to a section that isn't managed, and although I keep reading that the 200 or so admins jump in and authorise or reject sites, this is a painfully slow process. In the current economic climate most of the companies that have submitted recently will probably be out of business by the time their site is authorised!

It would also appear that they don't take on new admins or are very very selective. My friend applied to be an administrator; he's a professional journalist but was still rejected. So my question is, what is the point in DMOZ?


Jul 6, 2010
Manchester, UK
Jim, everyone needs a hobby.

I like many others are frustrated with the submission process, I accept that you all volunteer and give up your own free time to run DMOZ. At the end of the day I just want to be listed in the directory.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
I suspect that you and others are frustrated because you expect us to act like a listing service. That's a problem, because we've never been a listing service. Suggestions are only one source of potential listings that editors can utilize.


Jan 12, 2010
Phil Marshall said:
It would also appear that they don't take on new admins or are very very selective. My friend applied to be an administrator; he's a professional journalist but was still rejected.
Guessing that you meant "editor," not "administrator:" My first application was rejected also. I was flabbergasted that a volunteer group would spurn my offer of help. Wanting to complain to the authorities, my first step was to review the email I received, my application and the related category descriptions.

It turns out that the volunteer who processed my application had actually taken the time to review the sites I had included, as well as their suitability to the category I had requested. That meta editor had seen that I had made mistakes and took the appropriate action. I had no basis for any complaint. Drat!

After I finished sulking, I still wanted to contribute to the Directory. Do you know what I did? I reapplied. This time, I made sure that everything was Guidelines-compliant and left no room for anything but acceptance of my application. I was rewarded, rather quickly I thought, with good news.

That was about a year and a half ago. I have been enjoying my new hobby ever since. Tell your friend that if he has a genuine interest, he should reapply. The volunteer who reviews his application will be looking for reasons to accept it: we need more good editors.


New Member
Aug 18, 2010
What I'm wondering is what does it take to get your site listed on DMOZ. I've tried TOO MANY times to get my blog listed and for some reason, it is never accepted! Well actually, I never know if it is or not because I never get an email saying if it was declined and why. But everytime I check, it's not in the DMOZ database.

My site is definitely legit, and not spam. The only problem I can see is if I'm submitting it to the wrong category, which I don't believe I am. But if that's the case, I'm sorry.

I see that the submit URL is down for now, I hope when it comes back it's a bit more possible to get your site in the directory, especially if it's legit and not spam. Otherwise, the opening poster's question of "what's the point" is very much the same way I feel.

But well at least Google thinks my site is worthy to rank! ;)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I've tried TOO MANY times to get my blog listed and for some reason, it is never accepted!
You might just have answered your own question. Our suggestion guidelines require that you suggest your website just once to the one best category. More than that is pointless and unwelcome. TOO MANY times can trigger our defences.
My site is definitely legit, and not spam
I'm sure you're sure about that :).
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.