What is the status of www.progolfrankings.com/


Jan 9, 2005
I think I submitted this last June for Pro Golf Rankings `to
But have not seen it.
the old site was http://www.gplf-championship-awrds.com/
which was never added either.
I think my description would have been.
Our ranking, by default, measures both a players ability and TV time.
The only, easily understood and unbiased ranking of professional golf players in the world.
Players are ranked by our adjusted average score formula which is averaged year to date.
Which I have now learned from my site submission will not pass.
You don't need to enter or fix but would the description below be acceptable.
The ranking measures both a players ability and TV time. Players move up by playing more often.
Players are ranked by an adjusted average score formula which is averaged year to date.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.