What is visible online once we click submit


New Member
Oct 24, 2011
I submitted a site, and after clicking, my machine went into a hang :( As I had no way of knowing whether the submission happened, I began the process again, this time using a different browser (and located a mistake in my earlier submission, LOL). This time clicking the submit button took me to a screen which just said "Go Back". My questions:

1> If my first submission had gone through, does that mean I've already violated the dmoz rule of no second submission (especially as I corrected a mistake in my second sub)? As it happened within a few minutes, would that count against me, or be accepted as a genuine mistake?
2> Does "Go Back" mean my submission was accepted for processing and is now queued? Is this the normal status for a correct submission?

Would appreciate any clarification, and thank you so much for your time and patience.

I do understand that dmoz does not have any way to check status on a submitted suggestion/ request, BTW, and am not asking about that :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Some of our servers are less reliable than we would like. 'Go Back' generally means that a transaction was not successful. AOL, who own us and who's staff run the servers, are aware of the issue.

I suggest that you wait for a day or so and try again.

The normal response to a listing suggestion is this screen:
Your site submission has been received.

An editor will review your submission for inclusion in the directory.

Once your site has been accepted into the Open Directory, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search, AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc. We make updates of the data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule.

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