What to do if site not accepted after 4 months?

Hi all!
I'm sure this topic has been covered, but I've followed all the guidelines for site submissions:
(submitted, waited for 90 days, resubmitted, waited 90 days, emailed category editor, waited some more...)
Do I just keep repeating that process? (I don't want to annoy the editors...)I have several sites that are stuck in this same kind of "limbo" here at ODP, in different categories.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks apeuro, I've emailed the URL's to you - I wasn't sure it would be appropriate to post them here.
Thanks for helping.


Mar 1, 2002
Todd, none of the URLs you provided have been reviewed yet. What category did you submit them to?

Re: What to do if site not accepted after 4 months

All those domains were submitted between the middle of January and the beginning of February.
www.sales-management-expert.com was submitted to:
The two "helpdesk" domains were submitted to:
and I believe I submitted change-mangement-expert to:
The main innovate.com site is just a corporate identity site, and contains no information about any of those products (just links). To get information on any of those, one must leave the innovate.com site to visit each product site individually.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: What to do if site not accepted after 4 months

>>The main innovate.com site is just a corporate identity site, and contains no information about any of those products (just links). To get information on any of those, one must leave the innovate.com site to visit each product site individually.

That is irrelevant to the information flow: "website" is not synonymous with "domain." We recognize cases of single domains holding hundreds of websites (Geocities) or single websites with hundreds of doorway domains, or (as in your case) separate domains for each product (book publishers sometimes create a new domain for each "big-ticket-marketing" book they publish. such domains are not listed.) One company, basically one line of business, generally will get one listing, and it should make sure that all its content, on any domain, is easily navigable from its home page.

Re: What to do if site not accepted after 4 months

Thanks hutcheson,
I think I understand a little better now.
So, I shouldn't really hold my breath hoping those domains get listed then, eh? At least now I'll know why if they don't ever show up.
Again, thanks for the help!
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