What to do when there could be several categories


May 10, 2004
I submitted my site and it was listed a few years ago.

The site has since grown very large (over 200 pages of text - tutorials and articles), and the category in which I submitted is now only one of four main categories on the site.

Is it possible to submit 3 other (main) pages from the same site to other categories?

The main them of the site is music, but that is too general, and the different categories are quite far removed from each other.

NB, the URL I submitted was not the home page, but the main page for one of the categories.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I can only give you a general answer as we won't discuss individual sites.

If your site is about several music related subjects you should find the lowest ranking category that spans all these subjects and ask for a change in url to the main url and move to the common category.

You could also submit and update request and tell the editors that the site is now about more subjects and that you would like the editors to review the site again and let them decide if the site should be listed once in another category spanning all subjects or that they decide to list it more than once for the several subjects.

Suggesting several deeplinks of a site if the subjects are all closely related is not something we prefer. But if one of these subjects is totaly unrelated (like your gardening hobby) a seperate suggestion for that part of your site might be acceptable.


May 10, 2004
Thanks for the speedy reply.

Yes the categories are very different within the general category of music. I believe as the site is now so large it would make sense to include more listings for these categories, as there is no category (apart from "music" which is obviously too high a level) that covers them all.

However I tried to do as you suggest and submit an update, but the form there only seems to allow updates to titles and descriptions of an existing listing.

Should I use that form, leave the title and description for that section as is, and just use the field at the bottom of the form to request the additional categories? The problem with that is that the request does not fit into the parameters of that form so no separate fields for extra URL, title and description - and I do not want to waste anyone's time.

Is there another way to contact editors with such a request or is it OK to go ahead and use that form anyway?

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