What to do when there's no editor?


Mar 4, 2007

I've tried to submit an online casino to the category "Games/Gambling/Casinos/Browser_Based/M/" twice before (during the last year, several months apart), but both submissions failed. I don't want to try again, in case I'll be taken for a spammer or something.

The website is an active online casino for over a year, it's available in 5 languages, and features original content and its own magazine, so it definitely meets the listing requirements.

I never got any message or reply saying why the site wasn't added, it just looks like the submission never reached anyone. Since there isn't a direct editor to this category, I emailed kspaul, the editor of "Gambling" but didn't hear back from him (not surprising considering it's a huge category).

When my category doesn't have an editor, what can I do to make sure my submission is checked? :confused:


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
but both submissions failed.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this. The public are not able to actually list sites, but only suggest them for editors to review. If you got the "thank-you" screen after the suggestion form, then you have succeeded in suggesting the site.

After that there's nothing more you can or need to do. It's just a matter of waiting for an editor to work in that category and review your suggestion. As explained in the FAQ here, we're unable to provide a time scale for how long that might take. The FAQ will also tell that even if there are no listed editors in a category, there are still plenty of people who are able to edit there.

If you're able to be objective, you should be able to work out what the result of the review will be, by reading our Site Selection Criteria. You might also want to re-read the suggestion instructions, which say that you should only suggest a site once. Finally, due to past problems, we advise editors not to respond to communications from the public -- so I wouldn't be surprised that you didn't get a response there.


Mar 4, 2007
Thanks a lot for replying quickly :)
When I say the submission failed, I mean that although the process was completed, the site wasn't added and I didn't get any feedback about the process or status of the request.

So what I wanted to do is verify that someone is checking the requests for this category (because there is no editor), and see where can I find out what's going on with my request.


Nov 7, 2006
Even if there is no named resident editor in a category, there are editors in higher categories who can edit in everything beneath them, and in addition to them, there are also 200-300 other editors who edit all across the Directory.

We don't give status reports at all for individual sites suggestions. You'll know you've been added, if you see it in the Directory, which may take anywhere from a few days to a few years.

It wouldn't hurt to suggest it just one more time, but then, just walk away and forget about it, you've done all you can. :) You cannot find out what's happening with it, we don't do that anymore, but, thank you for your site suggestion.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> When I say the submission failed, I mean that although the process was completed, the site wasn't added
OK, but those 2 processes (suggesting a site and reviewing it) are not connected. There can be a time difference of a few days or several years. It is even possible that a site is listed before it is suggested.

> and I didn't get any feedback about the process or status of the request.
And you won't ever get any feedback. Not when it is reviewed, not when it is listed and not when it is rejected.

> So what I wanted to do is verify that someone is checking the requests for this category
Yes, there is always someone checking the suggestions (they are not requests). But we can not predict who that someone will be or when it will happen.

> (because there is no editor),
See answer in FAQ

> and see where can I find out what's going on with my request.
You can't


Mar 4, 2007
crowbar said:
It wouldn't hurt to suggest it just one more time, but then, just walk away and forget about it, you've done all you can. :)

Thanks crowbar, I took the first part of your advice and suggested the site again. As for the second part... well, I can only hope this waiting period will be counted in weeks, rather than years, because I ain't getting any younger...:D

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